Hello :)

lundi 28 décembre 2015

Guess i gonna say hello here. yes i am cheating a little bit ;)

1) Hello! Who are you?

Greetings, i am gift, going to study Media and Communication Design in the new year, quite shy (so this coming to these forums has been on my mind for a while) and overall also a happy person.

2) What brings you here? (interest in diapers/regression)

Well what else would i be interested here? i will be honest i had yet no chance to buy any diapers or AB/DL stuff.
but i have a few friends been into it which i have been talking for a while with and so on. my interest in, at least trying it out, has grown, so i am quite new to this. but will once i have the chance for it to try it out.

3) Diapers do not rule our lives! What are your other interests? (besides diapers/regression)

Guess one of my biggest interests are video games and anime, other than that i like all kinds of sports and watching a lot of that. Also i draw stuff, have a small not very well know little Tumblr site mostly filled with "My little Pony" fan stuff and drawings from me. other than that, i like to hang out with friends and just talk. :)

4) What are you looking for out of this site? What would you love to do here?

I am mostly looking for people to talk with, maybe finding like minded new friends and contacts and getting more comfortable with this special interest i guess.

So that's it for now.
Hello :)

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