Seriously thinking of hiking the Appalachian trail.

samedi 26 décembre 2015

I've been thinking of doing this and was going to wait for an opportune Time in my life and I'm thinking now is perfect. I just got out of the Military and am thinking of holding off on going back to college for this. Was contemplating saving up till June next year and starting it in GA and packing all the essential gear and just going off the grid all by my lonesome for 6-8 months. Now it does sound risky but to me I've been thinking of doing this for a few reasons.

1. Adventure
2. Perspective
3. Soul Searching

I'm not really afraid of going alone. My initial plan was to cover 12-20 miles a day and stop walking when I get tired, bed down off the path and cover up. Change socks, get re-supply and keep moving. I know I could do it but I'm wondering if anyone here has hiked the trail before. I'm no stranger to "hikes", it's more of a test of mental hardiness than anything else. Fitness doesn't really matter as once your legs to numb from walking you'll go on autopilot. Anywho, any tips? I'm not a diehard DL/Sissy so that's one less thing to pack. I can make do with what's around me but I'd prefer to expedite the trip with living off my back. If I get burned out emotionally or mentally, find a town, rent a hotel room and just vegetate for a few days and then ruck up again. I feel like this trip, if I do take this expedition, will help me deal with my anger from abuse growing up, possible PTSD from growing up and constant fury I feel all the time. I've always enjoyed ruck marches in the military. Hikes were always easier to me because it's at your own pace. So, any words fellow padded friends?
Seriously thinking of hiking the Appalachian trail.

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