Comfort and grief

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

In the last few days I had been thinking about how to describe the feeling I get when wearing. The word Comfort came up a lot.
Well the other night I took my 18 yr old kitty to the vet and got the news that she was very sick with several problems and that her time left on earth was short. I was very saddened, crying, and coming home I had the realization (I was in a diaper) that what I was getting comfort from was grief, and that the grief was from separation from my Mom at a diapered age. It was my own body having this understanding, not mental. I don't know what this means in the long run for my desire to wear, but at the moment I don't have much desire, it's still connected to grief.
I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had a connection like this and how it has effected them.
Comfort and grief

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