All men are creepy rapists! (TW-Rape)

jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Trigger warning: Rape!

Before I delve into the subject of this thread, let me state some facts I stand by. The security of women is tantamount and much more significant than the ego of men. Rape is indeed a real problem in our society. One that breaks hearts, shatters families, and ruins lives. Girls are taught that the way they dress dictate: whether they get raped or not when boys should be taught when no means no. Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with all those points I listed. I completely sympathize with those who were victims of such an atrocious act of savagery. My one problem is the generalization that has come out of this: all men are creepy rapists.

Take today for example. I'm surfing Tumblr when I reblog a post I like. A few minutes later I get a message from the original poster of the post. "Hi, can you please not reblog my stuff and don't talk to me." My curiosity has been piqued. Why inflict such treatment on me when I didn't do anything wrong? I ask this person, a female, why I'm all of a sudden treated like a creep when I never even done anything to suggest such assumption. I tell her all I was doing was hitting the reblog button with no malicious intentions. If she was worried about her material being spread, I would have taken the actions accordingly if she had specified her intentions. Instead, she told me to not interact with her as she does not tolerate interaction with males online. Again, I'm flummoxed by this as I have not done anything wrong (as I believe) but then she posts my profile on her page and says I'm being a creeper who isn't taking no for an answer, and all of a sudden I get an influx of hate mail saying I'm a creeper and a rapist who just wants the user for sex and I'm stalking her. I only hit the reblog button from something she posted. Never did I send nudes or solicit nudes from her and she's acting like I did. I get into a debate with one of the users who was supporting this girl and I get called a rape supporter simply because I don't understand why I'm being ostracized. "Your ego is far more important than women's safety and people like you cause rape." How? I'm seriously confused by this to the point I can't stop prodding their logic behind this. Eventually I get blocked by both parties involved and turned off from any idea of even getting on Tumblr.

So my question is: do you think generalizing all males as potential rapists and creeps is justified and if yes, explain why? Was I right in my judgment that the entire situation was an overreaction or was I in the wrong for being curious about their logic and quote "not taking no for an answer"? As my closing statement, I wish to say as an asexual male of the human species, I really do understand the paranoia behind the rape potential but I honestly don't think generalizing all men as creepy rapists and ignoring their existence even as insignificant as a reblog or like button is justified. If I come out of this labeled as a "creepy rapist" or a "rape supporter" then fine. All I want to know is why the generalization of men as rapists is socially acceptable and what can we do to fix this extremist stance?
All men are creepy rapists! (TW-Rape)

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