Hello there

dimanche 6 septembre 2015

My name is Joe.

I'm a DL. I've loved diapers since I was little, I think I always have. I don't remember a time when I didn't want to be back in diapers.

I don't remember it, but my parents tell me that when I was toilet trained, a few months later I found a stash of my old diapers that they had still lying around and they had caught me diapering myself. Apparently I told them I wanted to wear diapers. They threw the diapers away and told me that was silly. Well, I don't remember that, they told me that happened, they found it rather funny in the sort of "kids say the darndest thing" vein of humor.

My grandmother lived with us, and she was incontinent, and I remember seeing her big boxes of adult diapers in her bathroom and wishing I could have the same. I never said anything, to this day my parents still don't know about my inclination.

When I was a kid, about 10 or 11 years old, I saw them come out with the Goodnites bedwetting pants, and realized that they were basically diapers for bigger kids. I hoped I could get into them. I knew I couldn't ask for them. I tried wetting the bed on purpose a few times, to see if they'd get them for me. Instead they went with restricting water before bed, making sure I used the bathroom before bed. It was harder for me to wet on purpose, but I did once after that, and I outright asked for goodnites, saying if I was going to wet, maybe I should wear them. They said I was too old to wear diapers to bed, so they bought a bedwetting alarm. I gave up on it and stopped wetting. After a few weeks of no more "accidents" I didn't have to sleep with the alarm anymore and they forgot about the whole thing.

I didn't get back into diapers until I was about 21 years old. I was in college, and had finally moved into an off-campus apartment. My roommate worked 3rd shift at a grocery store, so he was gone from about 11:45 at night until about 8:15 in the morning. When he left one night, I walked to the pharmacy down the block, bought a pack of adult diapers, and brought them back. I got in the habit of wearing them around the apartment at night when he was gone, or going to sleep diapered and waking up before he got in (I was so paranoid about being found out).

I still wear sometimes to bed, and now I sometimes wear an adult pullup as my daytime underwear. I don't always wet the pullup, sometimes it's just for the fun of knowing I'm wearing one and the security it brings.
Hello there

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