Imprinting & Fetishism

samedi 19 septembre 2015

Hi Everyone,

I'd rather not have this fetish—that is a stigmatized object-fetish—and I believe that it effects my well-being. The alternative (I presume) would being just a normal guy minus the fetish, which would be far less stigmatizing and would undoubtedly mean a greater chance of being in a relationship. Not being in a relationship might lead to reduced social well-being, isolation, or loneliness. Of course, I could find a partner, but when these garments offer the same experience, where's the incentive to search for a partner? Moreover, even if one finds a partner, how does the fetish and partner/marriage balance?

Basically, I believe that my father induced this object fetish through imprinting. This seems very far fetched, but by the way that he interacts with his dog (who also has a fetish for stuffed animals) I'm certain that this was the result of imprinting that took place early in my life course and would not have taken place in the absence of his behaviour. I feel very angry that this may have happened, since I incur the costs of his behaviour in the form of reduced well-being. How bizarre is this thought process?

Any insight? If you believed that someone gave you this fetish, what would come of it?

Best wishes,

Imprinting & Fetishism

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