Is 18 and 19 too young to get married?

vendredi 18 septembre 2015

I know 90% of you will say yes... but honestly I'm sick of hearing it.. WHY is it too young and what about happy couples that are together for 40+ years and they got married at this age. They say it was harder than they thought but it was so worth not waiting. What I really want to ask is.... what do you do if you are engadged and have been for months but cannot afford to get married? I have been scrapping metal, taking back cans, and even applying for jobs but I get nothing. Everyone tells me to go get a GED... but I don't have the emotional energy to do that or much of anything other than what I'm doing. I feel so useless because my fiance has a job and is getting another job soon... I feel like my manhood has come into question far too often by others even though said manhood is just fine the way it is. Interpret that as you will, but it really (according to most) doesn't matter what you do or what you have, you just have to keep trying to get a GED and/or a job). pisses me off that I am not getting much done. I feel like all my talents are going to waste because of my lack of motivation to do anything. Someone said that isn't how life works and it takes dicipline... if only you knew I had a lot of dicipline just no emotional energy from being drained all the time. My fiance, this site, my friends, my family.... it all just drains me. I cannot take another ruthless comment or sly remark saying I basically am a lazy good for nothing man when it isn't true. I want to do things so badly that I cannot. My dream of being an artist, photographer, video game designer, breeder, and whatever else I have in my head.... is just slowly dying and I feel like I'm fading away in the desert of my mind. I can't find the water that I seek. As a Christian I know that God is the well and I should run to him but everyone just keeps sapping away at my energy and then If I blame them, I'm seen as a jerk or an asinine waste of time... so I always blame myself silently because I have nothing left to give anymore. All I have done is give, give, and give without taking because I want to help everyone else. Any and all advice is appreciated, I apologise for overreacting on my last post that was not right of me. Please... be gentle with your words for I have had enough harshness to last me 3 lifetimes and sadly I wish that were an exaggeration.
Is 18 and 19 too young to get married?

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