Ways to wash and dry cloth diapers

mercredi 16 septembre 2015

I bought an all-in-one cloth diaper through ebay. I tried and I think I like it, it's strange but cloth dipers never really felt like diapers to me at least the prefold ones with pins and plastic pants as opposed to disposables. However the one I bought is similar to modern pocket diapers that babies use and it really makes me feel babyish.

So now I'm determined to use them as well as disposables and I would like some advice how to wash and dry them. I live in T0 apartment, I don't have a washing machine or a dryer and can't buy neither, I do however have an oil heater, which I've used to dry clothes, and a dehumidifer.

Any advice and/or tips?
Ways to wash and dry cloth diapers

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