Why do no major brick and mortar retailers (in the US) sell premium adult diapers?

lundi 21 septembre 2015

I still find it baffling that virtually all major brick and mortar (non-online) retailers in the US sell only Depends and the same generic store brand everywhere. How did Kimberly-Clark get such a monopoly? I've heard a lot of good of theories as to why Depends and store brand diapers suck, but to me the more interesting question is why there's no real competition in stores from better products. If Dry 24/7 can be successful online, why can't it be on shelf next to the Depends? They're both made by American companies. Does the market simply not support it? Are the costs of entry too high? I have yet to hear a satisfactory explanation for lack of decent diapers in stores.

How did anyone get premium diapers before the Internet? :dunno:
Why do no major brick and mortar retailers (in the US) sell premium adult diapers?

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