Crying as a fantasy?

jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Recently I've had a thought: Some day, when I get into little space with someone, I really want to end up crying like a 4 year old. A real little meltdown, and have a "daddy" calm me down.

I even know why. I am a very impressionable and sensitive person. I take everything extremely personally and get offended easily. In my waking life I constantly need to keep this mask of emotional composure/poker face to survive, and that has lead me to dull my emotions over time. They were simply too much to live with in the real world.

So I guess I long for release of all the supressed emotional tension I have built inside all the time. I wanna cry like the little boy that I am.

Maybe one day laugh like one as well, but that's another matter ;)

Anyone feel the same?
Crying as a fantasy?

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