Diaper Review - Mydiaper Night Printed

samedi 5 décembre 2015


so on a visit to my usual haunt to purchase diapers, i found that my usual diaper the kolibri comslip was out of stock, so i purchased other brands to see what they are like, I bought two brands the Mydaiper printed nightdiaper, and the Diappizz with Cute Baby Print.

Three hours ago i decided to try the Mydaiper night diapers, these are plastic backed, printed with teddybears and are supposed to hold 4000ml..

on first examination they look like a nice diaper, when put on, they feel cheap. The kolibri i usually buy feel firm, between the legs, you know your wearing them, but these feel flimsy, as if wearing a pair of pullups, they do not feel like they can hold a great deal, i have been wearing one now for 3 hours, and i have had two wettings.. now i tend to wet often, and in little incriments, but even now, after 2, it feels like it wont hold much more, The kolibri can hold a good 6-8 of my wettings before it gets to the point i need to change.
They are also a lot smaller than the kolibri, only just fitting my physique, even though i purchased the largest availalbe.
all in all, i feel that i would still rather purchase the kolibri comslip, it feels more secure.


PS> please post your comments on this diaper..
Diaper Review - Mydiaper Night Printed

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