Farther away than what i thought, closer than i was.

jeudi 3 décembre 2015

Hello it's me again, While i was gone i Struggled a lot with who i was and what i wanted to be, still i kept persevering, eventually I told my friends who gave me advice and told me that basically that everyone struggles with weird fetishes, and it's how you deal with it that matters, I remember posting a thread about accepting myself, well there's good and bad news about that, the bad news is i'm not quite there yet, the good news is that i am better and closer than i was, I rushed things i admit it now, i rushed this whole smester and i get nervous if i don't Also because of past events I beleve and one of my friends believe i have generalized anxiety disorder, which makes sense, due to past events, and i didn't exactally do well this smester due to nerves, however i am still determined to compleate it, and i'm just a bit worried that i wont graduate on time, due to my grades and how this semester was, also i am thinging about starting a blog here but am nervous that what i post, will change peoples opinion of me, and it gets overwelming, and i get nervous and post the wrong thing and i get nervous and its hard to know what to do
Farther away than what i thought, closer than i was.

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