I just don't care.

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

As this is sort of diaper related I figured I would go here instead of the off topic section. Here goes.

So I have seen a lot of posts here were family and friends have either found out or come close to finding out about our ABDLness. It's scary. Or at least I thought it was supposed to be.

Yesterday I had an incident with my stepfather that confirmed a theory that I have had for some time. That my immediate family knows, they just won't talk about me. Quick back story. I
I have been caught twice. 1) I told on myself when I was 4 because I knew I wasn't supposed to feel this way and I was scared. Mom had my Grandpa smudge me, muttered something about a suppressed past life and told me to stop. 2) when I was 15 my younger brother was caught with porn, which caused my Mom to go back through our browser history in depth and she saw some things(this site for one it used to be open to teens) I forgot to delete. She immediately knew it was me because every few years I would make an attempt to ask her for help but each time she reasurred me (rather herself) about the power of the mind and some other hippie holistic drivel. Not this time. I told her I didn't think I could change who I am. She threatened to take me to a therapist, I laughed because that's what I had been going for for years only now I knew it wouldn't do any good. She made me sit down and talk to a therapist on the phone the next day. I told the therapist what was going on, what I am, that I felt I wasn't hurting anyone and that I was comfortable with this part of myself. The therapist called my Mom. That was the last I heard of it.

Until yesterday.
I stored some of my things from my old apartment in the family storage unit. This was during the move to NC and Mommy and I made sure that no little items where stored there what so ever. My stepfather, brought up some boxes of mine in the storage unit. He said that there were just a few boxes containing just one or two things "like tennis shoes or a diaper..." then he stopped and looked like he was about to have a stroke. To paint a picture for you we are roughly the same height but he is 160 soaking wet and I'm 190 (with 11% body fat might I add) with a thick neck and broad shoulders and tattoos up both arms that I started working on my first day off of Sand Hill 5 years ago. He looked like he thought I was going to rip him in half. Then I laughed and we just carried on with dinner.

The point of all this? I realized, I don't care. Its not going to effect the way I live my life with them knowing. So who cares? If they can't accept me the way I am, if I'm required to change to suit them, then who needs them anyway? So who cares if they know?

I'm by no means an exhibitionist, and I'm not going to go about do anything to interfere with the.lives of others. But the fear of being found out is basically gone.

Has anybody else here had a similar experience?
I just don't care.

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