Is suicide ALWAYS selfish? (Kind of long rant, sorry)

jeudi 24 décembre 2015

I don't think it is. In fact...I find it doubly selfish when people blame the suicidal for being selfish.

If a person is having such thoughts, the LAST thing they need is to be blamed or accused of selfishness.

Mental pain IS pain. It may not be a an open wound gushing blood or a broken bone. But it is still pain felt. Pain, after all, is highly subjective. What one person can weather, another can not. So to judge a suicidal person is in fact...selfish. Those that judge suicide are simply trying to avoid pain themselves. They don't want to have to deal with loss and judgement from friends, family or community. They're judgement is in fact an act of self preservation.

But isn't that what suicide is too? An act of self preservation for the person choosing it? By contemplating suicide...a person is choosing to self preserve any dignity they feel they have left. They're choosing to "get out while the getting is good"

If a person truly feels there can never be any improvement, that suicide NOW is the best option, before things get worse; how is that selfish? They want out. They're done. Life is too much. Why continue with meaningless relationships, fake interactions and shallow existence?

Now...if you've read this far, comes the juicy meat.

I post this because I am such a person. I hate my life. It has no meaning. I'm practically 30. I live at home. I have no family of my own. I have debt. I've had two DUI convictions. I have no skills or talents. I have no place in the world. I can't keep a relationship because I turn into a psychotic 17yr old girl, jealous, clingy, needy and high maintenance. Same with friendships...I push everybody away. I'm 29 btw, and male.

I'm most likely considered depressed. I've never been on my own or been able to experience life for myself. And being 30, I realize doors are closing fast. I don't know what to do.

My friends are all incredibly fake. I have no-one or nothing. And currently with a suspended license and on probation...I can't go out, meet people or have fun. I honestly just want to die. And I've given much thought to various routs as well. My parents are the only thing keeping me here. I couldn't put them through burying a child. But as soon as they go...I won't be far behind.
Is suicide ALWAYS selfish? (Kind of long rant, sorry)

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