
mercredi 23 décembre 2015

So I was going to get Christmas trees with a coworker and her daughter called her about something she wanted for Xmas... I knew the daughter she was talking to is 16, when they hung up she said she wanted a onesie! After a stunned minute, I was like "where they sell them that big?". According to her my local walmart has adult sized Onesies. Has anyone seen this elsewhere? Is it a holiday thing? Will this last? Will I miss out on them if I don't go now? Are they shit quality? All girly styled? I had so many questions for her and she's cool, but I'm not gonna out myself on a moments notice, lol. Maybe you all can answer some of those questions. Probably got a walmart employee among us somewhere. The first thing I thought to ask her was " wouldn't a onesie chafe sensetive areas without a diaper on?" lmfao

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