So... I just got caught

jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Hey everyone! Haven't been here in quite awhile cause college is very time consuming, but this is something I just had to tell everyone.

So, my house (particularly my room) is currently being renovated due to water damage. All the stuff in my room had to be taken out so the carpets could be replaced, and my grandmother decided to take the opportunity to organize everything. No big deal, I made sure to relocate all my baby stuff. Or so I thought...

So yesterday, I spent the whole day with my grandma and everything was fine. She wasn't acting out of the ordinary at all, she wasn't questioning me about anything; it was just any old normal day. Then at about 8pm, we got home and I walk into her room looking for my guitar picks when I see it... on the top of her trash can, is an old empty bag of small Depends Pull-ups which I completely forgot to take out of my old backpack. Crap. I'm screwed. Plus, since it was MY backpack, there's really no possible way to deny that they belong to me.

I guess I'm posting this because I'm a little confused. She never brought it up, she didn't even give me a funny look or anything. I just don't understand how she could brush this aside so easily. And for whatever reason, I'm not very torn up about this either. I know she found one of my pacifiers a couple years ago, so maybe she's known for awhile and just doesn't care? I guess I imagined being caught red handed would be a lot more... unpleasant. It's just surprising. Maybe I should just be glad I'm not being interrogated like when my Dad caught me in middle school.
So... I just got caught

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