Why are things so complicated with college?

jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Hello everyone, Usually my grandmother and I are good friends and we get along just fine, but what cases a rift between us most is college, and my schooling in general.
Mostly because, she is hyper-organized to a fault, because of that my grandmother and other people in my college, memorize there college schedule to the exact date, me not so much. And other people know who there teachers are, but i always had a problem with connecting names and faces although I always got buy before. Also there are other Disagreements like going on other sites during classes. It just gets us angry, and causes a rift between us, faster than anything. During these times, I get so frustrated, that i just want to be little again, and it feels like she is pushing me too hard. It also feels like even though we are speaking English, there's a language barrier there and we aren't getting through to each other, and that's what leads to my stiming, and my outbursts of frustration because it feels like she doesn't get it, and it's hard to deal with. The thing is I don't really want this and i do respect my grandmother, but it's hard to deal with and i don't know what to do to stop it.
Why are things so complicated with college?

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