AB intervention dream

samedi 19 septembre 2015

OK so recently, I had a dream that, while I was still in my teens (at least I'm pretty sure I was a teen in this dream), someone found out about my TB tendencies (very odd as this had not yet set in til I was well over 18), and gathered together everyone I knew that I was on good terms with - favourite teachers, workers etc. - to try to figure out what was going on and how best to deal with it. I think the person who set up the meeting was being very careful to only bring in people I liked, so as not to make me feel so forced, or whatever, which I was thankful for. I mean, who wants this in the first place, but hey, at least I liked everyone there. There were in fact moments when, as we were talking, I wasn't sure if everyone was still "get her away from this stuff" or if certain people were starting to understand and rethink certain aspects of putting a stop to it. I'm not quite sure, either, where everybody stood when the dream ended.

I posted this to give everybody a chance to think and talk about what they would want out of such a meeting if one were to take place in real life. Who would you hope to have, or not have, present at this meeting? How would you talk to everybody to try and help them understand you and why you did what you did? How would you hope everything turned out (OK, this last thing seems simple, but I want you to think about it in the context of, who is in attendance and your relationship with everyone afterward, in addition to their general opinions)?
AB intervention dream

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