Haii there from Sydney,Australia!

samedi 19 septembre 2015

I've been a Diaper lover as long as I can remember, a little (age 4-8) around the same time I realised I was Bi and only just recently started lurking about the diaper/little fur scene.

With my beloved drivers license now suspended for quite a while *9 months in the naughty corner for me :(*, and no friends or dedicated hobbies/active interests , i've finally decided to try and embrace these feelings i've had all these years, and hopefully find others with the same feelings/thoughts around my area to meet and chat with!

Allthough I can be quite shy, anxious, awkward when it comes to meeting new people, once i'm comfortable with my surroundings I become a bouncy,colourfull bundle of joy who is a maaajjoorr sucker for cuddles :3

I've never been one to RP due to being terrible at little talk (typing and verbally)

Still being at home majorly restricts my Diaper and Paci use, I can only dream of the day I can move out :(

I think thats enough dribble for now:laugh:

Any questions fire away!!
Haii there from Sydney,Australia!

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