
vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Hey, everyone. Faelan here. It's been a long time coming for me, but I've finally plucked up the courage to create an account here and start this introduction.

I found ADISC quite a while ago, several years if memory serves. Back then I was still living with my parents, and being a techie sort of person have always been kind of terrified of leaving digital tracks (and of having to explain why I'd created an account here). But time marches on, and with being off at university (the eventual plan is to get a master's in computer science) and in my own place there's much less to worry about. I'm an AB/DL and a babyfur, which is what brings me here, and come to think of it I don't think I've ever actually said those words in that order. It's funny how we get so used to hiding things. If any of you are familiar with the Stages in Goffman's Dramaturgical Model you'll know what I'm talking about. That's in part why I'm here. I decided it was time to try and connect with people who share some of my interests and am looking forward to exploring some of the group forums.

That's not all there is too me of course. Personality wise I'm pretty much a geek. Give me electronics, puzzles, or anything science and math related and I couldn't be happier. I enjoy games and books of all varieties - particularly the sci-fi/fantasy niche. Outside of the geek culture, I really enjoy music and play both violin and viola. I'm also attempting to teach myself how to draw. Maybe once I do something with enough confidence it'll become my avatar.

There might not be much more to say, so I'll end with a general question and ask if there's any good ADISC groups/chats/hidden features I should know about. Oh, and a noob question. The editor here seems to be in the habit of breaking lines in the middle of whatever word happens to be on the far right, and it's driving me crazy. Is there a setting to turn it off?

And finally, merry Christmas to all that celebrate it. Hope you enjoy the holidays and had Santa bring you something fun. To everyone who doesn't, best wishes anyway for the winter season (granted, I say that as it's currently above 70F in my area).

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