I think my friend has started wearing nappies.

vendredi 25 décembre 2015

First off- Merry Christmas to you all.

I went out with an old friend yesterday to the cinema and when we were sitting down I noticed a very profound bulge coming from under his jeans which I had never seen on him before. It looked virtually identical to my nappy bulge when I'm wearing under my jeans. I know it doesn't prove anything, but I don't see what else it could be.

I wasn't specifically 'looking' at him like that, it's not something I do to my male friends, it's just something that caught my eye as I sat next to him. It's not by business what he wears, I know, and I respect his privacy and would never ask him whether or not he was wearing a nappy, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious.

I've never known him to be incontinent and it might well be he has health issues he wants kept private and I feel kind of bad for noticing, but it did look as though he was padded under his clothes. I wear around him all the time and he may have even noticed I'm wearing, but I've told none of my friends I like wearing nappies.

It's likely that if he is wearing that he considers it to be a private thing and if he want's me to know he'll tell me in his own due time and I respect that. It would be great though to find out I had a friend who also liked to wear.

Would it be wrong to ask a friend if they're wearing a nappy?
I think my friend has started wearing nappies.

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