My christmas night I was scared and wet

vendredi 25 décembre 2015

My worst year of my life this past year. I'm on meds for PTSD, I am scared of humanity. I wore a snug diaper last night and wrapped myself in a super soft blankie. Around 4 AM I wet myself. I just let it happen. I wish I brought my teddy bear so I could cuddle but I left it at my apartment.

I am going to embrace my little side this year. I am an adult but I am just needing that extra bit of safety and comfort and nurture. I wish my therapists werent unethical. I just opened up and showed my little side to my therapist and she betrayed my trust in the worst possible way... It broke my little heart. This year I saw a side of humanity I didnt know existed. It makes me sick to my stomach. I will resort to my little side in troubling times. :(

I am actually scared of humanity now. Anyone else feel this way? I am a scared little puppy dog.
My christmas night I was scared and wet

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