Hi everyone!

mardi 8 décembre 2015

Hey guys! you can call me Julz :), I recently made an account here on ADISC but have been lurking around here for about 8 years now. Two months ago I went to a counselor and one of the main things we would speak about is my diaper fetish. It has always been apart of me but I was never able to accept that part of me. She pretty much told me that there is no issues with my desires and that I should indulge however and whenever I want. Since then I've learned to love myself with diapers and all. One nice thing is that since the counselor I've noticed i'm more of an AB than DL, which is something I never knew. Fast forward to today and life is pretty good. I told my mom about this whole thing 2 weeks ago and she's been pretty cool with it. We can talk about it whenever, I can wear around the house (covered of course), and pretty much I can be myself, no hiding anything. Its invigorating being able to doing things how I want it without anyone judging. Now that I've gone over that hurdle I felt it was time i met more like minded individuals that have the same interests as me. It'll be fun meeting all of you and can't wait to really start feeling like a part of the community :) Have a great padded day everyone!
Hi everyone!

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