The need for diapers

mardi 1 décembre 2015

There is a belief that those that wear diapers for a mental need or like them.
There is a less of a need as those that wear for medical or seems that way.
In my mind I really don't see much difference I need them just as much.
They are a part of me for years I tryed to give them up but it's me.

I understand that some have no choice in the matter I'm sorry they have to live being IC.
But I have no choice eather .
I would hope at some point it would be understood any one in diapers need's them.
We would not be ashamed of wearing diapers and we wouldn't be looked down on.
For some it's how we cope in life .
I in no way mean no disrespect to those that live with IC not my intention.
Just putting out some thoughts on this because I think about it a lot.

What are your thoughts on this.
The need for diapers

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