Hi all. I havent been on the forum in awhile. I have a serious question to ask and I'm hoping you all would help me out. Right now I am 24 years old. "Recently turned 24" And I'm a guy. I still live at home with my parents and if I did this and get caught my life would probably be over. Literally. Im even scared of asking this question right now. I really have an urge to wear diapers. I cant take it anymore. I even fantasise about wearing them. I want to buy some but Im afraid I would be found out by parents or brothers. I live in a trailer so our house aint that big and I have no placs to hide and keep em stashed. The only way for me to get diapers is I would move out which I dont want to atm. Hard to find a place. How can I buy diapers with out getting caught? And Im trying to get the right diaper size and cant find it. I wear size L or M underpants if that helps. What are good diaper brands too? I know theres Nappies, Goodnites, Huggies etc. Its gonna be really risky. And Im afraid of doing this. And is there a diaper size chart for abdl that can help you compair sizes? I dont know how to measure. How can I get diapers and hide them with out getting caught? Sorry for long post. Highly nervous as it is. :( If anyone can help me or give me tips I'd appreciate it. And if you buy diapers on Amazon can the mailman/UPS know what they are? Thanks! And if I plan to wear them in public. How can I hide them from friends or family with out finding out? Thank you. And is it reccomended buying baby powerder as well? Can you buy it from Amazon etc? Thanks.
How can I buy diapers with out getting caught? :/
Zelda: Symphony of the Goddeses
Hey all. I'm again attending a couple of video game music symphonies. Last time it was Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions. This time it is The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddeses
Right now it's making a sweep through the middle of the midwest -- Chicago, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I'll be attending both the Chicago and Milwaukee events. If by any chance anyone is going to either, shoot me a PM. Let's meet up :)
If you have the time and any spare money -- I'd encourage you to look at the schedule of performances.
The website is: http://ift.tt/1OupNGR
The performance is in its 3rd year. Most of the performances are in the United States, however, there are a handful of performances scheduled for Europe, as well. It has toured to Canada, Mexico, and Japan in the past.
The upcoming performance in New York will have seating for ~20,000.
Zelda: Symphony of the Goddeses
Right now it's making a sweep through the middle of the midwest -- Chicago, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I'll be attending both the Chicago and Milwaukee events. If by any chance anyone is going to either, shoot me a PM. Let's meet up :)
If you have the time and any spare money -- I'd encourage you to look at the schedule of performances.
The website is: http://ift.tt/1OupNGR
The performance is in its 3rd year. Most of the performances are in the United States, however, there are a handful of performances scheduled for Europe, as well. It has toured to Canada, Mexico, and Japan in the past.
The upcoming performance in New York will have seating for ~20,000.
Molicare SuperPlus Leaking?
So a few nights ago I was sleeping in a molicare and I vaguely remember wetting ... at some time later in the night I woke up in a wet bed (definitly not something I wanted)! The thing that really sucked is that it looks like the diaper caught near nothing - it was only wet on the outside (real useful). I was on my stomach when I wet.
Did I get a bad one? Or is there something I should be doing to avoid catastrophic leaks in this situation?
Molicare SuperPlus Leaking?
Did I get a bad one? Or is there something I should be doing to avoid catastrophic leaks in this situation?
my current situation
So, as most of you know I had some medical issues starting back in Feb 2015 and this an update to that station. I last saw my urologist back in April of 25 at which time he informed me that I may have to wear diapers 24/7 for the rest of my life if the situation didn't clear up in 6 months.
I had an appointment yesterday and I got the all clear, I can now go back to my routine of wearing when I want to, not because I have to wear. One side affect of this ordeal has been that I can't sleep without a bulky diaper on and I can live with that for the time being until I can get my body to change it's sleep cycle for me. other than that little thing, I'm now a happy diapered boy.
my current situation
I had an appointment yesterday and I got the all clear, I can now go back to my routine of wearing when I want to, not because I have to wear. One side affect of this ordeal has been that I can't sleep without a bulky diaper on and I can live with that for the time being until I can get my body to change it's sleep cycle for me. other than that little thing, I'm now a happy diapered boy.
My SO wets the bed due to medication side effects, I need some advice.
Hello everyone, I just came across this forum and it looks like a very friendly place.
I recently started a relationship with someone who wets the bed while sleeping due to medication side effects, and she's self conscious about it.
She uses goodnites and since her family doesn't know about it, I keep her stash and just refill her whenever she needs more.
What advice can you give me to help her be less self conscious about it? Are there any discreet alternatives?
She also hates to be spending so much on them (goes through 1 or 2 daily), what free/cheap alternatives are there?
Or just any advice in general.
My SO wets the bed due to medication side effects, I need some advice.
I recently started a relationship with someone who wets the bed while sleeping due to medication side effects, and she's self conscious about it.
She uses goodnites and since her family doesn't know about it, I keep her stash and just refill her whenever she needs more.
What advice can you give me to help her be less self conscious about it? Are there any discreet alternatives?
She also hates to be spending so much on them (goes through 1 or 2 daily), what free/cheap alternatives are there?
Or just any advice in general.
ABDL factory?
Can anyone tell me about Abdl factory I ordered a big shipment from them I wanna know where the stuff is coming from how long it'll take to get here etc....
Anything will help thanks
ABDL factory?
Anything will help thanks
best store brand?
I'm looking for something cost-efficient while still being absorbant, leak free, and having that nice diaper feel. Any help is welcome. :)
best store brand?
I may leave but I will return.
Hello, me again. Well in case you were wondering were I was yesterday, my phone has been taken away, due to me beaing too obsessed with it, and allowing things to effect my life that shouldn't, still It does get too much, because I have been using this site, my fantasies, and my phone too much as an escape, from real life and I know I shouldn't, and also yesterday I got withdrawal symptoms from my phone, also I know that my fantasies and my phone are not wrong, but it's what I have been allowing to do that's wrong, I came here to learn not to let this effect my life, I feel the opposite happened, still I am learning how not too, and I feel you guys are awesome!!! and I know my life is getting out of hand, and maybe I just need a break to figure things out, and get my grades up. I'm not quitting by any means, Its just things are getting out of hand and I may need a break for a bit, but don't worry, because I will be back, Its just I need to figure things out, and get my phone back, and get my college grades up, before I do, oh and one more thing, yes I do have a sense of humor, but I also have a very seaours side, and also if I offended any of you I want to apologize, also I will be back.
I may leave but I will return.
Diaper Similar to Original Waddler?
Since Snuggies is rebranding and they won't have a daytime option for a bit does anyone have any ideas on a very comparable diaper?
They were the only diapers I could sleep in - bambinos are too thick and I get sweaty. but I still want the comfy factor that I cannot seem to find in a medical diaper?
I loved the cute prints but I'll live without them, I just want something comparable as far as fit/feel. I wear a medium in Snuggies/Tykables with larges being a bit big, mostly in the rise being way too high.
Diaper Similar to Original Waddler?
They were the only diapers I could sleep in - bambinos are too thick and I get sweaty. but I still want the comfy factor that I cannot seem to find in a medical diaper?
I loved the cute prints but I'll live without them, I just want something comparable as far as fit/feel. I wear a medium in Snuggies/Tykables with larges being a bit big, mostly in the rise being way too high.
Nap Time Wetting
mardi 29 septembre 2015
This past weekend into this week I have been pretty tired from working overtime. I have found myself dozing off during the day. Now I have noticed I am starting to wet on short naps. It felt like the second I fell asleep I started to go and I really hadn't had any consciousnes of needing to go before or after. Today I slept a couple hours and I think I wet twice but the diaper was Attends and did not leak when I wet on my side so must not have wet too much.
I have been 24/7 for about 17 months and wetting the bed several times a month for about 5 months. I guess this is just another stage on my journey. Good thing I have plenty of protection.
Nap Time Wetting
I have been 24/7 for about 17 months and wetting the bed several times a month for about 5 months. I guess this is just another stage on my journey. Good thing I have plenty of protection.
Where have you been?
I have an idea... I was going through my friends list and saw where some of them haven't been here in awhile. Rather than delete them as a friend (which I did before) I posted on their message space to check in on them and thought that would be a good idea for everyone to do! So look at your friends list and look at their profile page. If you see their last post was more than say three months ago, post a message! Let them know that we are a caring community and miss them. Maybe they are busy with school, found a SO or maybe just forgot about us. Let them know we're still here for them! :hugpile:
Where have you been?
Credit cards
I'm asking for some financial advice for someone, like myself, who has a low credit score and is looking for a fist time credit card.
After looking around on the internet, I've found a card that sounds pretty good, and I've been approved for it (Capitalone secured mastercard). I've talked it over with my parents, and they don't think it's a great idea considering their as well as my older brother's experience with them. My thoughts are, I leave for school in a month, I have some money saved to pay for rent, food, insurance etc for a little bit and I have gotten a few part time job offers already. I'll be at school for 6 months (trade school) and then I'll be off to start working (already have a job offer from a from a friend). I want to make sure that when I leave school, I'll have a good enough credit score that I'll be able to get an apartment and a car not too long after that. On top of that, I'm worried that a minimum wage job might not be able to cover $800 a month of expenses.
To get straight to the point, a minimum wage job will be able to cover a minimum payment (and then some) and I'll be able to pay it off completely once I start working in my career. So...thoughts?
Credit cards
After looking around on the internet, I've found a card that sounds pretty good, and I've been approved for it (Capitalone secured mastercard). I've talked it over with my parents, and they don't think it's a great idea considering their as well as my older brother's experience with them. My thoughts are, I leave for school in a month, I have some money saved to pay for rent, food, insurance etc for a little bit and I have gotten a few part time job offers already. I'll be at school for 6 months (trade school) and then I'll be off to start working (already have a job offer from a from a friend). I want to make sure that when I leave school, I'll have a good enough credit score that I'll be able to get an apartment and a car not too long after that. On top of that, I'm worried that a minimum wage job might not be able to cover $800 a month of expenses.
To get straight to the point, a minimum wage job will be able to cover a minimum payment (and then some) and I'll be able to pay it off completely once I start working in my career. So...thoughts?
gotta give it all up.
My significant other has revealed to me she actually dislikes my AB/DL tendencies, and out of my love for her I'm giving it all up.
I know I didn't really make any friends here, but I guess I'll check back every now and then. Goodbye everyone.
gotta give it all up.
I know I didn't really make any friends here, but I guess I'll check back every now and then. Goodbye everyone.
First Full Night Padded!
I had my first full 8 hours sleep last night in a diaper. It was sooooooooooooooooooo comfortable. I had to get up in the middle of the night to get something to drink and it felt really cool to get a glass of milk in my diaper and a tshirt. :3
First Full Night Padded!
Mary Jane socks
I have been trying to find mary jane style socks but many of the stores (in the U.S.) do not carry them. Has anybody been able to find them?
Mary Jane socks
When you aren't padded, what kind of undies do you wear? Do you have any cute ones or are they just plain? I mainly wear plain white briefs, as that's what I wore when I was a kid (and for most of my life, aside from when my step mom made me switch to boxers for a few years during my pre-teen/early teen years). I have some colored briefs as well, and a couple of cute ones from Popduds-- Frownosaurus and Hippo and Rhino.
(UK) BKN disappearance - what's going on?!
I've just been checking the interweb now and the home website for BKN Nappies has disappeared! Is it just the website or has the whole brand gone?! I'm well aware there was talk they were a scam but if they weren't then they may be sliding under the heading of 'a-flash-in-the-pan' as I'm typing this! Some of you out there may be more knowledgeable so I'm opening this to the floor. bringmesunshine p.s if they have gone it'll be a shame, Cuddlz needed a bit of competition!
(UK) BKN disappearance - what's going on?!
Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title:
Hola, this seems like a great forum. I already posted a thread (check it out if you want), and people seem very helpful:) I like summer, things with engines, music, thc and of course diapers. I've actually never worn adult diapers, but i will order a couple very soon, i'm so f***ing excited:)
Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title: Title:
I want to get back in to WOW
So I have been thinking over the last few days about.getting back into WOW and actually trying out PVP instead of just being a.solo player and getting board of it after two weeks. I currently don't have a whole lot of time to play with a busy work schedule and class but I was wondering if anyone else here plays that wouldn't mind playing with me at some point? I have no interest in keeping any of my old characters so changing my server is no problem.
I want to get back in to WOW
Hello, I'm MrOtaku, and as you can probably guess I enjoy watching lots of anime. I also enjoy video-games, art, music, diapers:sweatdrop:, furries, and other stuff.
I just recently got my first pack of Abena diapers shipped to me and so far loving the heck out of them, wearing a wet one right now. I tend to fill them with hot water more than actually wetting so I can avoid making a mess and having certain people find out, but I do love wetting them.
I hope to one day become a comic artist, video-game designer, or character designer. I have a special fondness for character design. I am a fairly good drawer but I can't promise anything of professional quality, yet.
I just recently got my first pack of Abena diapers shipped to me and so far loving the heck out of them, wearing a wet one right now. I tend to fill them with hot water more than actually wetting so I can avoid making a mess and having certain people find out, but I do love wetting them.
I hope to one day become a comic artist, video-game designer, or character designer. I have a special fondness for character design. I am a fairly good drawer but I can't promise anything of professional quality, yet.
Want to say hello
Hello guys.I am happy to be in your company.My name is Peria . I am 66 . My wife suffers from urinary stress
incontinence and I surf the web for remedies and advice to cope with this ailment..I am sure I will get good advice from you guys.Thanks.
Want to say hello
incontinence and I surf the web for remedies and advice to cope with this ailment..I am sure I will get good advice from you guys.Thanks.
Any other semi drivers
lundi 28 septembre 2015
Curious if there are any others here who have in the past drove, or still drive trucks professionally? Honestly I'm about a year In now and driving for swift in the 48 continental US. Currently running a 2013 freightliner cascadia with the 425hp Cummins s and 8 speed manual. Sadly my kenworth went down so swift put me in a freightshaker.
Any other semi drivers
Two seperate diaper video issues.
I need help with two separate problems involving diaper videos.
I found a video on Tumblr with these two girls camping out in the woods with diapers on and I'm curious where the video orginsted from and if there is an extended version of it because the video is fairly short. I will provide a link for the video below. (WARNING: NSFW Blog. The video itself is safe though.
I remember awhile back there was a video on Youtube of a woman walking around in a mall wearing a diaper and no pants. The video itself was interesting, but the user deleted it. If anyone has the video under a different source that would be helpful.
Two seperate diaper video issues.
I found a video on Tumblr with these two girls camping out in the woods with diapers on and I'm curious where the video orginsted from and if there is an extended version of it because the video is fairly short. I will provide a link for the video below. (WARNING: NSFW Blog. The video itself is safe though.
I remember awhile back there was a video on Youtube of a woman walking around in a mall wearing a diaper and no pants. The video itself was interesting, but the user deleted it. If anyone has the video under a different source that would be helpful.
*pokes head in*
Hello all.
I have never been open about my feelings regarding diapers or anything similar so please bear with me as I try to find my feet.
I have for a long time been interested. Yet I have never worn a diaper since I became a full adult. For me there is no sexual desire in wearing this thing, mostly it is because I like that it is soft/makes nice sound. I also have no interest in wetting/defacating.
I hope to make new friends, speak to people about this interest and maybe find advice on some things in the future.
Also I am into the furry fandom, and love to write stories and draw pictures! I also love to take photos. Here is a photo of my doggy.

Nice to meet you!
*pokes head in*
I have never been open about my feelings regarding diapers or anything similar so please bear with me as I try to find my feet.
I have for a long time been interested. Yet I have never worn a diaper since I became a full adult. For me there is no sexual desire in wearing this thing, mostly it is because I like that it is soft/makes nice sound. I also have no interest in wetting/defacating.
I hope to make new friends, speak to people about this interest and maybe find advice on some things in the future.
Also I am into the furry fandom, and love to write stories and draw pictures! I also love to take photos. Here is a photo of my doggy.
Nice to meet you!
I think... I might have been... molested
This memory keeps coming back... it's fuzzy and fragile. I don't know why I'm remembering it now of all times. From what I do recall it was when I was 11 so.. 8 years ago. I was with my family, we were driving somewhere that I don't remember. I went to use the bathroom, after I'd gone I was washing my hands and some guy came in and saw me. He said something.. all I remember was lips moving then suddenly feeling his hand on my genitals playing with them. I didn't move, I think my heart was pounding and I was scared. Someone else came in shortly after and he withdrew his hand fast enough and the other guy didn't see him. I finished washing my hands then... it just repeats. The whole memory I mean. I think I kept washing my hands then left but I can't be sure. I think I washed my hands more than once and kept leaving the bathroom and coming back and washing my hands. After who knows how many times I got back in the car and sat in silence. Even that I'm not sure of.... the guy had a red shirt, khaki pants and brown boots. That's all I remember of his appearance. Whether this memory is real or not I do not know... I just know that it keeps coming back up in my head.
I think... I might have been... molested
New ABU Diaper
I have just received word of ABU's newest addition the Space Diaper. With a projected capacity of 5000ml.
More information is available on their website.
What are your thoughts on these?
New ABU Diaper
More information is available on their website.
What are your thoughts on these?
Will a Bambino fit me?
I'm a size 29-30 waist, but they say their mediums fit 32" at minimum. Have others with small waists been fine in Bambinos?
Will a Bambino fit me?
Greetings from Denmark
Hey all
So I am not really new on this forum, but have been gone for quite some time. And in the meantime apparently become a lurker.
But, time to change that.
As I stated in the title, I come from Denmark. I am a 28 year old male programmer.
I really enjoy all the stacks of abdl, plus the domination, bondage, sissy. etc.
Greetings from Denmark
So I am not really new on this forum, but have been gone for quite some time. And in the meantime apparently become a lurker.
But, time to change that.
As I stated in the title, I come from Denmark. I am a 28 year old male programmer.
I really enjoy all the stacks of abdl, plus the domination, bondage, sissy. etc.
Help me through my first ever diaper experience
My dad is going away for a week so i'll have the house to myself, which basically never happens. I just found a site where i can order diapers discretely and with fast shipping, so i plan on ordering some for when i'm home alone:) This would be my first time wearing a diaper since i was about 4-5, so i've been waiting for this since i got into this fetish (3-4 years ago). As you can understand i want to get the most out of the week, so i thought i'd join this forum and ask for some general tips and advice:) You can orders packs of 2 diapers from the site, so i'm planning on ordering 2 Molicare super plus (plastic), 2 Abena M4 and 2 Tena slip maxi.
If you have any tips, advice or ideas of activities while diapered, i would VERY much appreciate if you answered:)
Help me through my first ever diaper experience
If you have any tips, advice or ideas of activities while diapered, i would VERY much appreciate if you answered:)
I've been in withdrawal from my antidepressant for 4 days, AND I just got rejected from a job application
Suffice it to say, I'm really in the dumps right now.
Not only do I not have my antidepressant, as I forgot to order the refill from the pharmacy, but to add insult to injury, I just received a rejection email from the company I was applying to.
This job was supposed to be able to let me move to Canada to be with my fiancé and pave the way for a new chapter in my life. Needless to say, that won't be happening now.
I've been in withdrawal from my antidepressant for 4 days, AND I just got rejected from a job application
Not only do I not have my antidepressant, as I forgot to order the refill from the pharmacy, but to add insult to injury, I just received a rejection email from the company I was applying to.
This job was supposed to be able to let me move to Canada to be with my fiancé and pave the way for a new chapter in my life. Needless to say, that won't be happening now.
Interview With An Adult Baby
Once again I am messing around with different recording techniques and when I view the video I typically see all the mistakes..... but to be honest it's not terrible. My main mistake was assuming the sun wasn't going to cause a problem coming through the window since it was only a small amount of light coming in.
Still, it's a learning process.
Audio quality is still poor since I don't have a decent microphone to use with this camera.
The video itself is a short interview where a few direct questions were
It's obvious to me how I pulled it off, but, I think I prove without a doubt that if I have a timing system I am fully capable of acting with something to the point of full interaction even if it isn't actually there. I am proud of that hehe.
I think the next video I do will be about childhood and make believe.
That's right, Imagination. (Does the Spongebob rainbow with his hands.)
I need help
Everyone bare with me please this is my cry for help! I'm scard and don't know how to go about this I'm not gonna get personal and say what it is but I know it's wrong and I thought that I could stop it on my own but I can't. Ever since I was 19 I have been having this problem and I'm just really scard
I need help
Hunting in Diapers
Disclaimer: No animals were harmed during this experiment. I hunt to provide meat for my family, abiding by local by-laws and practicing humane harvest techniques.
For a while now I had been wondering what it would be like to wear a diaper while hunting. Being alone in the woods provides an opportunity to wear diapers outdoors while doing other activities. Recently, I experimented with wearing diapers while deer hunting.
For this experiment, I wore a Tena Super brief with a Huggies little movers stuffer. The stuffer was slit down the back to allow for moisture exchange between it and the Tena. I went with a cloth-backed diaper because I did not want my diaper to rustle in case I ran into wild game or other people. Also, though the Tena's are widely available and relatively inexpensive, they are very comfortable and absorbent. The refastenable tabs were also a big part of why I chose that diaper.
I changed into the Tena when I got to my hunting area. Originally, I had taken two Tenas with me, but a tab ripped off the first, leaving me only one diaper for the day. With the Huggies stuffer inserted and all other hunting-related equipment ready to go, I started my trek into the woods.
This hunting trip was largely exploratory since I had not been to most of the places I visited that day. As such, I spent half the day walking, putting on 11.5 km (7 mi). The Tena was comfortable while walking, and did not loosen. However, I was wearing my normal underwear (briefs) over the Tena, so that may have kept it in place better than if I had worn the diaper alone.
I spent the first four hours slowly walking toward then end of my proposed route, with small breaks and hikes into the woods. I saw two deer during this time, though neither presented a clean shot before slipping back into the woods. Being alone that day, I did not track the deer far into the woods since I would somehow need to get them out if I did get one. I did not hear my Tena rustle, and I did get within 30 yards of one deer, though at that point the brush was so thick I could only see its legs. I was dry during this time period, so urine smell was not a variable in my success/failure.
After working hard to get uphill to the end of my hike, I wet for the first time. It was a hot day, and I realized I was dehydrated. I spent the next hour resting and rehydrating from the large water container I had brought. This also helped me fill the diaper and stuffer. Wearing a diaper does make sitting on the ground or fallen logs/stumps much more comfortable, and even more comfortable as the diaper became wet. However, walking became more uncomfortable, and the insides of my thighs felt a little sore the day after. On the whole, I walked 5km dry and 6.5 km in varying stages of wetness.
After resting, I slowly started working my way back downhill and back toward my truck, making stops in areas I thought I was likely to see deer. Here is where serendipity kicked in. I had had spicy food the day before, and it was not agreeing with me. While resting in one spot and wetting, I had a small amount of "wet gas." If I had not been wearing a diaper, it would have left a brown streak in the back of my jeans for sure. Even more lucky, the small mess hit my Huggies stuffer completely, so I did not have to end my diaper day. I removed the stuffer, wiped myself with the clean part of it, and bagged it in one of the bags I had brought for diaper changes. With the wet stuffer removed, walking was also much easier. The stuffer had also taken the brunt of the moisture I had deposited, so it left me with a slightly damp Tena to wear for the rest of the day.
Aside from the two deer I saw in the morning, I did not see any other large game. However, that is typical in my experience for that area as my friends and I have the most success before noon and around dusk. I did, however, run into several people, and none knew I was wearing protection. The Tena was so comfortable that unless it was time to pee, I hardly thought about it, especially after the stuffer was removed and walking became more normal. By the time I returned to the truck, the Tena was probably 3/4 utilized, and moisture would pool for a bit before being absorbed. However, it had not leaked. Having parked with my passenger door toward a hillside and no one parked behind the truck, I opened the door, whipped down my pants, removed and bagged the Tena, and pulled up my underwear. Later, I disposed of the soiled stuffer/diaper in a bin in a nearby picnic area along with the garbage from my supper.
As an overall experience, I'd give it 4/5 stars. It would have been better if I had not wrecked the first diaper, preventing a diaper change. With the stuffer, however, I was able to go ten hours without leaking (07:30 - 17:30). If you were to walk less and wait for game to come to you (like in a blind), the experience would likely be amazing. However, whether the smell of urine impeded my success remains unclear. Now that I have explored that area, the next time I go out I will sit back and watch the deer come to me, while enjoying a nice wet diaper.
Hunting in Diapers
For a while now I had been wondering what it would be like to wear a diaper while hunting. Being alone in the woods provides an opportunity to wear diapers outdoors while doing other activities. Recently, I experimented with wearing diapers while deer hunting.
For this experiment, I wore a Tena Super brief with a Huggies little movers stuffer. The stuffer was slit down the back to allow for moisture exchange between it and the Tena. I went with a cloth-backed diaper because I did not want my diaper to rustle in case I ran into wild game or other people. Also, though the Tena's are widely available and relatively inexpensive, they are very comfortable and absorbent. The refastenable tabs were also a big part of why I chose that diaper.
I changed into the Tena when I got to my hunting area. Originally, I had taken two Tenas with me, but a tab ripped off the first, leaving me only one diaper for the day. With the Huggies stuffer inserted and all other hunting-related equipment ready to go, I started my trek into the woods.
This hunting trip was largely exploratory since I had not been to most of the places I visited that day. As such, I spent half the day walking, putting on 11.5 km (7 mi). The Tena was comfortable while walking, and did not loosen. However, I was wearing my normal underwear (briefs) over the Tena, so that may have kept it in place better than if I had worn the diaper alone.
I spent the first four hours slowly walking toward then end of my proposed route, with small breaks and hikes into the woods. I saw two deer during this time, though neither presented a clean shot before slipping back into the woods. Being alone that day, I did not track the deer far into the woods since I would somehow need to get them out if I did get one. I did not hear my Tena rustle, and I did get within 30 yards of one deer, though at that point the brush was so thick I could only see its legs. I was dry during this time period, so urine smell was not a variable in my success/failure.
After working hard to get uphill to the end of my hike, I wet for the first time. It was a hot day, and I realized I was dehydrated. I spent the next hour resting and rehydrating from the large water container I had brought. This also helped me fill the diaper and stuffer. Wearing a diaper does make sitting on the ground or fallen logs/stumps much more comfortable, and even more comfortable as the diaper became wet. However, walking became more uncomfortable, and the insides of my thighs felt a little sore the day after. On the whole, I walked 5km dry and 6.5 km in varying stages of wetness.
After resting, I slowly started working my way back downhill and back toward my truck, making stops in areas I thought I was likely to see deer. Here is where serendipity kicked in. I had had spicy food the day before, and it was not agreeing with me. While resting in one spot and wetting, I had a small amount of "wet gas." If I had not been wearing a diaper, it would have left a brown streak in the back of my jeans for sure. Even more lucky, the small mess hit my Huggies stuffer completely, so I did not have to end my diaper day. I removed the stuffer, wiped myself with the clean part of it, and bagged it in one of the bags I had brought for diaper changes. With the wet stuffer removed, walking was also much easier. The stuffer had also taken the brunt of the moisture I had deposited, so it left me with a slightly damp Tena to wear for the rest of the day.
Aside from the two deer I saw in the morning, I did not see any other large game. However, that is typical in my experience for that area as my friends and I have the most success before noon and around dusk. I did, however, run into several people, and none knew I was wearing protection. The Tena was so comfortable that unless it was time to pee, I hardly thought about it, especially after the stuffer was removed and walking became more normal. By the time I returned to the truck, the Tena was probably 3/4 utilized, and moisture would pool for a bit before being absorbed. However, it had not leaked. Having parked with my passenger door toward a hillside and no one parked behind the truck, I opened the door, whipped down my pants, removed and bagged the Tena, and pulled up my underwear. Later, I disposed of the soiled stuffer/diaper in a bin in a nearby picnic area along with the garbage from my supper.
As an overall experience, I'd give it 4/5 stars. It would have been better if I had not wrecked the first diaper, preventing a diaper change. With the stuffer, however, I was able to go ten hours without leaking (07:30 - 17:30). If you were to walk less and wait for game to come to you (like in a blind), the experience would likely be amazing. However, whether the smell of urine impeded my success remains unclear. Now that I have explored that area, the next time I go out I will sit back and watch the deer come to me, while enjoying a nice wet diaper.
Help me...
I'm going through a lot. My fighting was all in vain. My heart is in pieces, my mind in shambles. I don't know what to do with myself. My mate has basically left me for my best friend. I'm in ruin, I can't hold myself together. I love her so much, but I wasn't good enough for her. I have to move in with them too because I have nowhere else to go. I need help, I need advice, reassurance, something. I don't know what I need, but I want this pain to stop, it hurts so much.
Help me...
Best nighttime diaper
I'm sure this has been discussed many times before, but I'm unable to really find anything. So anyway, I'm looking for the best, reasonably priced nighttime diaper. One that is holds up well while laying without boosters. Need to be able to order in the states. Any suggestions? Thanks
Best nighttime diaper
Confidence: The Only Adult Diaper With An Inspirational Quote From Eleanor Roosevelt On The Crotch
Confidence, an Indonesian brand, must surely be the only adult diaper with inspirational quotes printed all over them, with one from Eleanor Roosevelt on the crotch. If only she knew as she said those words, what her quote would one day front.
What weird quirks have you come across in adult diaper brands from around the world?
Confidence: The Only Adult Diaper With An Inspirational Quote From Eleanor Roosevelt On The Crotch
What weird quirks have you come across in adult diaper brands from around the world?
Today starts
Diaper awareness need week, it runs through October 5.
Don't you think it should coincide with October fest instead!
Today starts
Don't you think it should coincide with October fest instead!
I finally told my wife!!!
I have posted a few times on here asking for pointers on whether or not I should tell my wife of my DL side and how to do it. I played out every possible scenario in my head for all of those 11 years ranging from her being into it and wanting to wear a diaper too to her freaking out, leaving me and taking the kids with her. Well, after 11 years of marriage, I finally got the courage to tell her. I'm happy to report that it went fairly well. While she wasn't into the diaper fetish herself, she is okay with me wearing as long as she doesn't see me do it. I am still working out what the at exactly means, but I will give her time to process it before I ask for details. I literally just told her a couple hours ago and this is the first place I came to after I answered the questions she had. It just feels like w big burden is lifted off my shoulders now that my wife knows.
I finally told my wife!!!
Why Hello There!
dimanche 27 septembre 2015
Thanks for taking the time to read my intro. I let this account lapse a while back as I was in a 2 year relationship with a vanilla, and I had to put my fetish on the back burner. But now I'm back in action!
I'm a DL in Northern Idaho who has spent a lot of time the past few weeks exploring my AB side as well. I definitely have a little side to me, and it's been fun discovering it. This little side appears to be about 5-6 years old, with bedwetting and pants-wetting issues. I've only explored this with another person on one occasion, but it was fantastic!
However I am still predominantly DL. I love the humiliation of diapers, and I love being controlled. Forced diapers is a huge turn on for me. I love to wear in public, hearing that crinkle crinkle with every step, knowing most others won't even notice the sound. I probably wear about 3-4 times a week, usually M4's.
I am a barista, and coffee is a one of my main passions. I love tasting different blends, love discovering the roots of different origins, and everything about it. My dream job would be a coffee sourcer.
My other main passion is music. I sing, play piano, do musical theater, and am pretty much constantly singing or humming something. I mostly listen to alternative rock like Alt-J, or indie/folk such as Swell Season.
I also enjoy playing computer games, watching netflix, reading fantasy fiction, hanging with friends, and drinking wine.
I am hoping to meet some others on this site, preferably locals to hang out with, but am always up for chatting with anyone.
Thanks for taking the time to read all this, have a wonderful day!
Why Hello There!
I'm a DL in Northern Idaho who has spent a lot of time the past few weeks exploring my AB side as well. I definitely have a little side to me, and it's been fun discovering it. This little side appears to be about 5-6 years old, with bedwetting and pants-wetting issues. I've only explored this with another person on one occasion, but it was fantastic!
However I am still predominantly DL. I love the humiliation of diapers, and I love being controlled. Forced diapers is a huge turn on for me. I love to wear in public, hearing that crinkle crinkle with every step, knowing most others won't even notice the sound. I probably wear about 3-4 times a week, usually M4's.
I am a barista, and coffee is a one of my main passions. I love tasting different blends, love discovering the roots of different origins, and everything about it. My dream job would be a coffee sourcer.
My other main passion is music. I sing, play piano, do musical theater, and am pretty much constantly singing or humming something. I mostly listen to alternative rock like Alt-J, or indie/folk such as Swell Season.
I also enjoy playing computer games, watching netflix, reading fantasy fiction, hanging with friends, and drinking wine.
I am hoping to meet some others on this site, preferably locals to hang out with, but am always up for chatting with anyone.
Thanks for taking the time to read all this, have a wonderful day!
Fun ride
I like this it would be a fun ride wonder if the boy wanted to stay in the carrier and enjoy the ride I would. some Kids have all the fun.
Fun ride
Shaun UK
Hi, i'm Shaun, 32, gay and from the UK. I've been into nappies since I was about 21. I have a large collection and wear most nights
I'm looking for friends
Shaun UK
I'm looking for friends
where some of us go-IE:, fur cons/meetings/gatherings/parties?
I'm just wondering, how many of us, get out and about, to say fur cons? There are quite a few furry conventions every year, so there's a big opportunity, for some us to get to at least one or two. Many of these cons, are also putting Meet-N-Greets/panels and such, in their schedules of events, just for us padded people. Plus, a few of the cons, also have designated rooms, where the diaper people go, just to hang out/be part of the social events, going on in there. And, I'm pretty sure, that out of the membership here, we do have quite a few of us, that are both furrys and diaper people. So, comments, thoughts, replies or even just a generic shout out: "Hey, padded furry here too", sorta thing.
where some of us go-IE:, fur cons/meetings/gatherings/parties?
Comficare running out
Well I knew it had to come Nappies r us has no comficare left and saveexpress
has sold out of large
But ABDL factory has some left
Hopefully the new version will be out soon :sad:
Comficare running out
has sold out of large
But ABDL factory has some left
Hopefully the new version will be out soon :sad:
Hello everyone. And I want you to know me.
Hello. My name is Saki Kirisima.
Please call me Saki my thing.:smile:
I was a child, I had always hoped to have been wrapped in those soft something.
When I was a 10-year-old, when the disposable diaper photo of the mail order catalog that I saw chance you've seen the listed, I I was fascinated by the disposable diaper.
Soft-looking, thick, and now wishes are asylum the body in warm diapers.
I have wanted to share the people and joy with the same wish.
Thank you.:thumbsup:
Hello everyone. And I want you to know me.
Please call me Saki my thing.:smile:
I was a child, I had always hoped to have been wrapped in those soft something.
When I was a 10-year-old, when the disposable diaper photo of the mail order catalog that I saw chance you've seen the listed, I I was fascinated by the disposable diaper.
Soft-looking, thick, and now wishes are asylum the body in warm diapers.
I have wanted to share the people and joy with the same wish.
Thank you.:thumbsup:
AB/little clothing
When you look at all the clothes you own, AB/little/kink and grown-up, what is your split?
I'd say mine is about 30% AB/little/kink and 70% grown up
AB/little clothing
I'd say mine is about 30% AB/little/kink and 70% grown up
3D Printed Pacifiers
So about half a year ago I was searching avidly for a bigger pacifier, bigger than the Nuk5, bigger than even the Nuk6. I was looking for something in-between BabyPant's Nuk6 and the Nuk10 which is basically a pacifier with a gag sized nipple. x_X So I came across a thread on here that was dead but helped me to start my project and I would like to thank CraftingGuy. He left a download link for a 3D model of the pacifiers he tried to 3D print at his house.
So I decided to use the 3D model and do some modifications myself, and man-o-man am I happy that I did. All I had to do really is go to http://ift.tt/nwN85L and upload the model pieces, choose what material to have them printed and what colors and just basically wait and hope they printed all the pieces correctly. What I got was the perfect fitting pacifier I've ever layed paws on. The shield was PERFECT. It fit so well, the shield covers all of my lips with some space left over, it rests right up against my nose. Sucking on it gives the most relaxing and calming feeling I've ever had and always ever wanted.
I've even printed a new version of it, made it slightly bigger and added little letters on the pacifier handle for my name. The only thing I have left to do is buy some spray paints and finish up the finish on it, make it glossy and shiny.
Here are some images of how it came out.

Here's one with size comparisons.

And finally, here's a pic of me using it.
Credit goes to CraftyGuy:
http://ift.tt/1iCKk3d Pt1 Thread
http://ift.tt/1iCKhV1 Pt2
Link to the 3D models if anyone couldn't find it:
If anyone here has any tips for any further improvement to this 3D paci, let me know, I'm always looking for ways to improve. ^^
So I decided to use the 3D model and do some modifications myself, and man-o-man am I happy that I did. All I had to do really is go to http://ift.tt/nwN85L and upload the model pieces, choose what material to have them printed and what colors and just basically wait and hope they printed all the pieces correctly. What I got was the perfect fitting pacifier I've ever layed paws on. The shield was PERFECT. It fit so well, the shield covers all of my lips with some space left over, it rests right up against my nose. Sucking on it gives the most relaxing and calming feeling I've ever had and always ever wanted.
I've even printed a new version of it, made it slightly bigger and added little letters on the pacifier handle for my name. The only thing I have left to do is buy some spray paints and finish up the finish on it, make it glossy and shiny.
Here are some images of how it came out.
Here's one with size comparisons.
And finally, here's a pic of me using it.
Credit goes to CraftyGuy:
http://ift.tt/1iCKk3d Pt1 Thread
http://ift.tt/1iCKhV1 Pt2
Link to the 3D models if anyone couldn't find it:
If anyone here has any tips for any further improvement to this 3D paci, let me know, I'm always looking for ways to improve. ^^
samedi 26 septembre 2015
Hiya, we joined up and wanted to say hello, my girlfriend and i. Were both diaper lovers,/diaperfurs and she's a little and a ab. Just popped in to say hi
Little kids shows you watch?
Its been a long-running guilty pleasure of mine to watch little kids cartoons. Mostly Nick Jr. I used to get up at some ungodly hour of the morning to watch Backyardigans, Wonder Pets, and Ni-Hao Kai-lan, all of which are now cancelled. I like Bubble Guppies for a time, but it pretty much devolved into a total cash cow. Same goes for PAW Patrol. I recently picked up Sofia the First (which I'm watching now), and I can almost say I legitimately enjoy it. It gives me so much diabeetus (even though I constantly spew out MST3K/CinamaSins-esque comments, memes, Game of Thrones and Warhammer references). And unlike almost every other kids show I watch, there's fanfiction of it. No, seriously http://ift.tt/1WqdP74
Anyways, I doubt I'm alone on this, so what little kids shows do people here like watching? And PLEASE try to be a little more imaginative than My Little Pony, we get it, like every other person on the internet watches it -_- (avatar is nearly 4 years old)
Also, miscellaneous comments on Sofia the First:
Little kids shows you watch?
Anyways, I doubt I'm alone on this, so what little kids shows do people here like watching? And PLEASE try to be a little more imaginative than My Little Pony, we get it, like every other person on the internet watches it -_- (avatar is nearly 4 years old)
Also, miscellaneous comments on Sofia the First:
-The 60 minute pilot isn't on Netflix, but I doubt it makes a difference, so what exactly is Sofia's family background? I know her commoner mother married the king of Enchancia, hence her ascension (is that the right word?) to Princess. So unless polygamy is a thing, her mother would have been single, so who was her father? I can think of 3 distinct possibilities: Her parents are divorced, she was born out of wedlock, or her father died. The first two seem unlikely, to tell the truth, for reasons I don't have to explain. So I'll just go with the third, and "Disney Princess' parents are dead" cliche.
-HOLY MOLEY. Silver and Shadow must be jealous of Clover's chest fur. I'd have to say Clover is my favorite character thus far.
-Does every princess who isn't Sofia have to be a total BITCH?
-Okay, Vivian's an exception. Though I'd be shy like her, if my head looked like it came from Easter Island.
-Why does Amber have such a huge problem with Sofia's friends being commoners when Sofia is herself a commoner?
-Evil(ish) Sorcerer Cedric's plan consists of taking Sofia's Amulet (forget the official name) and using its power to take over the kingdom. But he clearly has quite a few powers of his own- he's capable of telekinesis, animating inanimate objects, master alchemy, transmutation (though Sofia figured that out herself, but that leads to a new slew of problems... more on that later). Point is, what's stopping him from just lobbing a lightning bolt at King Roland, animating the numerous gargoyles in the castle as his personal army, and staging his coup that way? Or even just poisoning the guy, since he's so good at alchemy? And thus far, Sofia's Main Character McGuffin Necklace gives her the ability to talk to animals and summon other Disney Princesses, so what strategic value does it really have?
-If we're keeping a sin counter, you can put one on me for this: Whenever I watch a show, I (mentally) yell "FANSERVICE!" whenever there's fanservice. Mostly whenever Supergirl's on screen in Justice League Unlimited. In one episode, Cedric sees her Amulet and the camera zooms in on her chest. I went FANSER- wait... (I'm screwed up, I guess. Better call Chris Hansen...)
-Sofia and numerous other <12 year old girls turn rocks into gemstones as an entry-level spell they learn in less than 30 seconds. If transmutation is so simple, how does the world have anything resembling an economy or anything of value?
-I'll skip over a bunch of stuff in the racism episode with trolls, but I want to point out this: During the original flashback detailing how trolls were exiled to the caves beneath the castle, the guards that attacked them were unarmed (pretty bad move, since the trolls had clubs). When the trolls give their account, the same guards were now armed with halberds. Kinda seems like they're skewing the story for sympathy, but w/e.
-Sofia's Mother's mouth is, like really big.
-HOLY MOLEY. Silver and Shadow must be jealous of Clover's chest fur. I'd have to say Clover is my favorite character thus far.
-Does every princess who isn't Sofia have to be a total BITCH?
-Okay, Vivian's an exception. Though I'd be shy like her, if my head looked like it came from Easter Island.
-Why does Amber have such a huge problem with Sofia's friends being commoners when Sofia is herself a commoner?
-Evil(ish) Sorcerer Cedric's plan consists of taking Sofia's Amulet (forget the official name) and using its power to take over the kingdom. But he clearly has quite a few powers of his own- he's capable of telekinesis, animating inanimate objects, master alchemy, transmutation (though Sofia figured that out herself, but that leads to a new slew of problems... more on that later). Point is, what's stopping him from just lobbing a lightning bolt at King Roland, animating the numerous gargoyles in the castle as his personal army, and staging his coup that way? Or even just poisoning the guy, since he's so good at alchemy? And thus far, Sofia's Main Character McGuffin Necklace gives her the ability to talk to animals and summon other Disney Princesses, so what strategic value does it really have?
-If we're keeping a sin counter, you can put one on me for this: Whenever I watch a show, I (mentally) yell "FANSERVICE!" whenever there's fanservice. Mostly whenever Supergirl's on screen in Justice League Unlimited. In one episode, Cedric sees her Amulet and the camera zooms in on her chest. I went FANSER- wait... (I'm screwed up, I guess. Better call Chris Hansen...)
-Sofia and numerous other <12 year old girls turn rocks into gemstones as an entry-level spell they learn in less than 30 seconds. If transmutation is so simple, how does the world have anything resembling an economy or anything of value?
-I'll skip over a bunch of stuff in the racism episode with trolls, but I want to point out this: During the original flashback detailing how trolls were exiled to the caves beneath the castle, the guards that attacked them were unarmed (pretty bad move, since the trolls had clubs). When the trolls give their account, the same guards were now armed with halberds. Kinda seems like they're skewing the story for sympathy, but w/e.
-Sofia's Mother's mouth is, like really big.
Custom Made Onesies/Footed Sleepers?
Would anybody happen to know of anyone who makes custom onesies and/or footed sleepers? I've really been itching to have one or the other made for winter time this year. The only one I do know of isn't open for commissions currently, so maybe you guys can direct me towards some awesome people instead.
Custom Made Onesies/Footed Sleepers?
Serious post... for real guys
I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me, it might be awkward with us after this but I need to know how you feel, I have kept this for a long while and its about time I come straight up and just confront you about it. I hope this doesn't ruin the relationship we already have. I just need to know and I can't see any other way to get over this, it just doesn't seem fair to me if I don't get an answer. I want you to tell me truthfully no matter what it is. I just want your honest opinion... Do you know the muffin man?
Serious post... for real guys
How to get rid of bad smell in plastic bottles
I accidentally learned how to fix the problem.
I read somewhere that you could wrap your clean but still smelling plastic containers in damp newspapers and put them in the freezer over the night. That should make the bad smell go away.
Well, I misunderstood the instructions a little bit and put some of the wet paper inside the bottles as well before putting them in the freezer.
This happened to be a really good thing because when I took my bottles out the next day they didnt smell bad anymore. There was just a distant smell of newspaper which disappeared within an hour and left the bottles absolutely and totally "smell free".
So, I thought that sharing this with you could save some bottles from going to the trash can and save some tears as well.
How to get rid of bad smell in plastic bottles
I read somewhere that you could wrap your clean but still smelling plastic containers in damp newspapers and put them in the freezer over the night. That should make the bad smell go away.
Well, I misunderstood the instructions a little bit and put some of the wet paper inside the bottles as well before putting them in the freezer.
This happened to be a really good thing because when I took my bottles out the next day they didnt smell bad anymore. There was just a distant smell of newspaper which disappeared within an hour and left the bottles absolutely and totally "smell free".
So, I thought that sharing this with you could save some bottles from going to the trash can and save some tears as well.
Hi :3
Hi! I'm pamperedgirl. I'm a young woman from the UK who has been involved in this fetish for a number of years and who still absolutely loves it. I'm currently snuggled up in a (wet!) Cuddlz nappy, plastic pants (for security) and my amazing new pink onesie. It's my first time diapered up for several months and I genuinely forgot how comforting it is. I know I'm in for a super snuggly night tonight!
Hope to make new friends here. :)
Hi :3
Hope to make new friends here. :)
A realisation!
Almost a week ago I came to a realisation, I'm not an Adult Baby, more a little boy.
Last Sunday I witnessed adult BDSM and not for the first time.
Yet I attended the event as a little boy, dressed in a nappy, plastic pants, short onesie (Dinosaurs) and dungarees, finishing off my outfit with shiny patent black leather Mary Jane school shoes and my reins.
I enjoy many things from both scene's but being Mummy's brave little soldier is what I crave the most, and what I'm going to spend a considerable amount of my private time trying to find.
Last Sunday I witnessed adult BDSM and not for the first time.
Yet I attended the event as a little boy, dressed in a nappy, plastic pants, short onesie (Dinosaurs) and dungarees, finishing off my outfit with shiny patent black leather Mary Jane school shoes and my reins.
I enjoy many things from both scene's but being Mummy's brave little soldier is what I crave the most, and what I'm going to spend a considerable amount of my private time trying to find.
Meditation :)
Who else here meditates? Do you use guided meditations or not? just curious if anyone else here meditates. :cloud9:
I prefer being diapered while using a guided meditation.
Meditation :)
I prefer being diapered while using a guided meditation.
Loss of interest in everything (depression/Anxiety)
I've been dealing with severe depression and anxiety through out most of my life. As time has gone on it has slowly gotten worse. When i still had Insurance through the government (CHIPS) I ended up getting on some anti depressants, they would work for a little bit then stop working. i switched meds many times with little luck, i would still have mood swings and when i didn't i felt like a zombie, no emotions, no interest in anything i use to enjoy doing. After i turned 18 i lost my insurance through the government and had to stop taking anti depressants.
So things started to slowly go down hill again. While i was never diagnosed with it i believe i may be bi-polar, the doctor suggested it was possible but he wasnt sure himself. I've tried many things to cope with it. For the longest time weed seemed to help space out the amount of depressive mood swings i would get but just like the anti depressants it stopped working as well after a few years, instead it started to make me extremely paranoid and made my anxiety worse so i stopped. i went through a stage of heavy drinking after that on a daily basis.
At this point i i started (stupidly) using k2 while looking for another job since it doesnt show up on drug test. Became extremely addicted to it for about 2 years. at this point i started to have even worse depression, anxiety and paranoia but was so addicted and felt so hopeless at that point i didnt care what happened to me, i was just waiting to get a over sprayed batch and end up OD'ing on it. Well one night I did get that bad batch and Od'ed but didnt die. I ended up blacking out and having a psychotic break instead while on it and was screaming at someone who wasnt there. that being said i ended up waking up my family from this. and they were able to snap me out of it. I was so scare sh*tless i dropped it and never touched the stuff again after that, but was never the same after that. that hopeless depression, anxiety and paranoia stuck with me after quitting and i couldnt shake it. While im not a religious man i turned to spirituality and doing things to try to improve my mental health on my own since i couldnt afford to get back on anti depressants. (meditation, controlled breathing when i have anxiety attacks, trying to get myself to think more positively.)
But as everything else i feel like its not working again. I'm back to being severely depressed again, any stress some days will send me into a full blown anxiety attack which is followed shortly after by severe depression which happens alot at work when i get stressed out. Now im starting to loose interest in everything i use to love, Gaming, my favorite tv shows, diapers. I feel like i have no direction in life, my current job i dont make enough to get my own place I have major issues trusting people (I think its a result of the k2) so a roomate isnt an option. I've cut myself off from people lost most of my friends due to it. I want to find a new job so i can make more money and move out and get my life together but im too much of a mess right now nor have the ambition to look for another job.
I really want to better my life but ill lost all motivation to do so. While i do not feel suicidal i do think about death alot. about what comes after? is there life after death? is it better then this? Will i feel at peace? I know like every other time I can pull myself together again. I've coped with it for many years. but i cant seem to break this cycle of falling back into a deep depression and anxiety. If anyone can offer advice or have been through similar situations in regard of depression and anxiety i would appreciate it. I feel very hopeless, Like i'm going to have to deal with feeling this way for the rest of my life... All i want is to be at peace and be happy.
Loss of interest in everything (depression/Anxiety)
So things started to slowly go down hill again. While i was never diagnosed with it i believe i may be bi-polar, the doctor suggested it was possible but he wasnt sure himself. I've tried many things to cope with it. For the longest time weed seemed to help space out the amount of depressive mood swings i would get but just like the anti depressants it stopped working as well after a few years, instead it started to make me extremely paranoid and made my anxiety worse so i stopped. i went through a stage of heavy drinking after that on a daily basis.
At this point i i started (stupidly) using k2 while looking for another job since it doesnt show up on drug test. Became extremely addicted to it for about 2 years. at this point i started to have even worse depression, anxiety and paranoia but was so addicted and felt so hopeless at that point i didnt care what happened to me, i was just waiting to get a over sprayed batch and end up OD'ing on it. Well one night I did get that bad batch and Od'ed but didnt die. I ended up blacking out and having a psychotic break instead while on it and was screaming at someone who wasnt there. that being said i ended up waking up my family from this. and they were able to snap me out of it. I was so scare sh*tless i dropped it and never touched the stuff again after that, but was never the same after that. that hopeless depression, anxiety and paranoia stuck with me after quitting and i couldnt shake it. While im not a religious man i turned to spirituality and doing things to try to improve my mental health on my own since i couldnt afford to get back on anti depressants. (meditation, controlled breathing when i have anxiety attacks, trying to get myself to think more positively.)
But as everything else i feel like its not working again. I'm back to being severely depressed again, any stress some days will send me into a full blown anxiety attack which is followed shortly after by severe depression which happens alot at work when i get stressed out. Now im starting to loose interest in everything i use to love, Gaming, my favorite tv shows, diapers. I feel like i have no direction in life, my current job i dont make enough to get my own place I have major issues trusting people (I think its a result of the k2) so a roomate isnt an option. I've cut myself off from people lost most of my friends due to it. I want to find a new job so i can make more money and move out and get my life together but im too much of a mess right now nor have the ambition to look for another job.
I really want to better my life but ill lost all motivation to do so. While i do not feel suicidal i do think about death alot. about what comes after? is there life after death? is it better then this? Will i feel at peace? I know like every other time I can pull myself together again. I've coped with it for many years. but i cant seem to break this cycle of falling back into a deep depression and anxiety. If anyone can offer advice or have been through similar situations in regard of depression and anxiety i would appreciate it. I feel very hopeless, Like i'm going to have to deal with feeling this way for the rest of my life... All i want is to be at peace and be happy.
Random Update.
I bought myself a M150 wireless keyboard and mouse a while ago, It works flawlessly, Had to adapt to it, but once I did it, it was awesome, I love wireless keyboards mostly because they don't take up much space.
I'm studying C++ and plan to write software for windows 98, everything has been done, and I find windows 98 fun to code for, I love retro computers, want to write some software for windows 98, in C++ even if its a basic program that checks licence keys(for a bogus product)
I'm going to use visual studio 6.0 too.
Random Update.
I'm studying C++ and plan to write software for windows 98, everything has been done, and I find windows 98 fun to code for, I love retro computers, want to write some software for windows 98, in C++ even if its a basic program that checks licence keys(for a bogus product)
I'm going to use visual studio 6.0 too.
Cheap Abena's Abri Form
THIS IS A TIME LIMITED OFFER... Save Express at www.saveexpress.de have Abri forms on offer at 9.99 euro... finishes at 10pm tonight (26th September 2015)
Hope this helps...
Cheap Abena's Abri Form
Hope this helps...
12 Days of Mitchmas (Christmas)
Working on a 12 days of presents video in which I open a new present and use or talk about it for 12 days up until Christmas.
Looking for present ideas, and what to say about them.
Needs to be ABDL/Little oriented, diapers, products, games. etc.
(I already have a few games planned. I don't want to tell you which ones.)
I won't be posting which ones I am using so it's going to be a surprise. I know this is early but I need to plan and film now so it's ready for posting in time for the 12 days until Christmas!
12 Days of Mitchmas (Christmas)
Looking for present ideas, and what to say about them.
Needs to be ABDL/Little oriented, diapers, products, games. etc.
(I already have a few games planned. I don't want to tell you which ones.)
I won't be posting which ones I am using so it's going to be a surprise. I know this is early but I need to plan and film now so it's ready for posting in time for the 12 days until Christmas!
hullo :3
vendredi 25 septembre 2015
Hi all! I'm new to the community and new to being a DL so all help is welcome.
hullo :3
looking to roleplay as a newborn cub
i want someone to baby me and raise this pup well
looking to roleplay as a newborn cub
How many have told a therapist about their AB/DL side?
If anyone read my recent post, you probably know I'm seeing a therapist soon for depression and bunch of other issues. I also fully intend to tell them about my AB/DL side at some point, the thought of which still makes me pretty uncomfortable. I've seen quite a few people on here talk about how they've told their therapists, so I'm wondering a few things;
Can you just tell any therapist about this? I know there are ones that specialize in sexual disorders and what not, but that's not an option for me, so will a regular one be okay with discussing something like this or will it freak them out? I was also wondering how you brought the issue up with them. It seems like it would be awkward to just bring up randomly.
Another issue is that I'm applying to work at a preschool and intend on working with children in the future, and this will certainly come up. I'm worried they might get really freaked out about the nature of this fetish (and, worst case scenario, report me), even if I explicitly tell them it has nothing to do with pedophilia.
Also I'd love to just hear how they took it when you told them, or what your experience was like overall. Any advice or experiences would be really awesome.
How many have told a therapist about their AB/DL side?
Can you just tell any therapist about this? I know there are ones that specialize in sexual disorders and what not, but that's not an option for me, so will a regular one be okay with discussing something like this or will it freak them out? I was also wondering how you brought the issue up with them. It seems like it would be awkward to just bring up randomly.
Another issue is that I'm applying to work at a preschool and intend on working with children in the future, and this will certainly come up. I'm worried they might get really freaked out about the nature of this fetish (and, worst case scenario, report me), even if I explicitly tell them it has nothing to do with pedophilia.
Also I'd love to just hear how they took it when you told them, or what your experience was like overall. Any advice or experiences would be really awesome.
Think I got hit by malware.
I think I got hit by malware, everytime I accessed facebook it would say uploading(0%) than waiting for localhost... screw that.
I'm switching to linux.
I scanned my computer showed nothing, but netstat -b is showing really weird ip addresses... so...
I changed all my passwords just in case, and switched to Linux.
I'm paranoid when it comes to security.
I'm not the type of person who takes chances with malware, as I know what damage it can do(ie steal your indent y)
Think I got hit by malware.
I'm switching to linux.
I scanned my computer showed nothing, but netstat -b is showing really weird ip addresses... so...
I changed all my passwords just in case, and switched to Linux.
I'm paranoid when it comes to security.
I'm not the type of person who takes chances with malware, as I know what damage it can do(ie steal your indent y)
Binge Cycles
Having already posted about my current binge cycle, I started wondering for those of us who still experience the "on/off" cycles of DL activity, how long do your binge cycles last? I don't call my "off" times purge cycles anymore, as I've learned not to discard everything due to the expense and hassle or re-acquiring supplies. I refer to my off times as the "dormant" part of my cycles. Just wondering about length and frequency of the cycle for others. For me, this last dormant cycle lasted almost 6 months. Not sure how long this latest active cycle will last.
Binge Cycles
Did ADISC.ORG go down?
Did ADISC.ORG go down? Not sure if it was my computer or this site was down for 4 or so hours.
Found it rather odd!
Did ADISC.ORG go down?
Found it rather odd!
jeudi 24 septembre 2015
It has come to my attention that I must suffer a great deal of pain and misery at the hands of myself and others if I am to change. So in this post I will forgo responding negatively to advice. Tell me what I'm supposed to do, do not be afraid to be cruel because I've had enough of it in my life that I'm starting to build a tolerance. So vent you frustration with me, tell me what you dislike so I can try to change my bad behavior and can learn to strive to be a better person, man, Christian, human, and whatever else I may or may not be. Also use this time to point out the good so I may continue to do the good and change the bad habits starting today.
Formula for adults?
Does anyone know of formulas for adults, i.e. Something that tastes okay and can replace a meal? I looked at the meal shakes but those often taste off to me and are full of sugar, chars or calories, which is complicated since I need to loose weight,
Formula for adults?
Easier to lie when you need to pee.
Apparently this is why I am bad at lying, I never have a full bladder, thanks diapers...
Easier to lie when you need to pee.
Apparently this is why I am bad at lying, I never have a full bladder, thanks diapers...
The Joy is Fading
I know I don't post on here often, but I appreciate having a place I can come and read about others like myself.
I just thought I'd bring up something to see if others experience the same and, probably more so, just try to put it down in writing or get it off my chest, since I know "binging and purging" can be a normal thing amongst ABDL's.
It seems like most of my growing up, I always wanted to get rid of my wants/needs as far as AB/DL stuff goes. I've had times where I've kind of gotten out the "habit", if you will, but there was always the desire there and always a great excitement whenever I got my hands on some diapers
As of late, I almost feel the opposite. I finally moved out on my own about a year and a half ago (with my girlfriend who is ABDL supportive), and have been able to buy more diapers since I don't have to worry about anyone finding them. I've also had the financial means to purchase diapers much, much more now than I ever have. Now that I have the money to buy stacks of diapers and try some "real" adult diapers and things like Nuk 5's I feel like the desire has kind of gone away.
As I type this, I think it may be less about the desire going away, as I still want to purchase and collect diapers, but the feeling I get when I wear, try a new diaper, or put in a paci is just not the same. It's kind of confusing, really. I always wanted to get rid of this, yet now that it feels to be slipping away I feel somewhat empty inside.
Has anyone else gone through this? What did you do? Did you let your ABDL side just go away, or did keep doing it anyways? Anything you can recommend to get that "spark" back?
Thanks to everyone here for creating such a great community. When I feel like I'm the only one, it feels great to get on a site where there are tons of active people talking about being the exact same kind of person, and going through the same things that I am.
EDIT/Fixed an embarrassing incorrect use of "hear" instead of "here" :oops:
The Joy is Fading
I just thought I'd bring up something to see if others experience the same and, probably more so, just try to put it down in writing or get it off my chest, since I know "binging and purging" can be a normal thing amongst ABDL's.
It seems like most of my growing up, I always wanted to get rid of my wants/needs as far as AB/DL stuff goes. I've had times where I've kind of gotten out the "habit", if you will, but there was always the desire there and always a great excitement whenever I got my hands on some diapers
As of late, I almost feel the opposite. I finally moved out on my own about a year and a half ago (with my girlfriend who is ABDL supportive), and have been able to buy more diapers since I don't have to worry about anyone finding them. I've also had the financial means to purchase diapers much, much more now than I ever have. Now that I have the money to buy stacks of diapers and try some "real" adult diapers and things like Nuk 5's I feel like the desire has kind of gone away.
As I type this, I think it may be less about the desire going away, as I still want to purchase and collect diapers, but the feeling I get when I wear, try a new diaper, or put in a paci is just not the same. It's kind of confusing, really. I always wanted to get rid of this, yet now that it feels to be slipping away I feel somewhat empty inside.
Has anyone else gone through this? What did you do? Did you let your ABDL side just go away, or did keep doing it anyways? Anything you can recommend to get that "spark" back?
Thanks to everyone here for creating such a great community. When I feel like I'm the only one, it feels great to get on a site where there are tons of active people talking about being the exact same kind of person, and going through the same things that I am.
EDIT/Fixed an embarrassing incorrect use of "hear" instead of "here" :oops:
Mental Illness and ABDL?
mercredi 23 septembre 2015
I am a Psychology major and I am wondering do any of you think there is a connection to mental illness to ABDL?
I admittedly have FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), I am very light on the scale of things, I can function in everyday life no problem, I used to be a Police Detective for a matter of fact. I have noticed people on the Autism Spectrum and FASD Spectrum seem to more often be ABDL then other populations of people. What are your guys thoughts on this?
Mental Illness and ABDL?
I admittedly have FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), I am very light on the scale of things, I can function in everyday life no problem, I used to be a Police Detective for a matter of fact. I have noticed people on the Autism Spectrum and FASD Spectrum seem to more often be ABDL then other populations of people. What are your guys thoughts on this?
The curious thing about incontinence forums
Having visited just about every incontinence forum on the web at some point or another, I'm left with a few curious observations.
1. There are surprisingly few which focus solely on incontinence, it's usually a subforum or subpage of another larger site.
2. Minus a few exceptions like this one, they're surprisingly inactive. Threads are few and infrequent.
3. They have surprisingly few members, and even fewer active members. Often only in the range of 5-10.
4. Most surprisingly perhaps, it's the same small group of people who are virtually the only active members on every forum. The same 5-10 people use the same user names on at least 5-10 different forums.
5. A disproportionate number of these active users seem to be AB/DLs.
I'm not entirely sure what to make of all this. Perhaps you guys have had different observations or experiences. Or maybe or you're one of the same 5-10 active users on virtually every forum :D
The curious thing about incontinence forums
1. There are surprisingly few which focus solely on incontinence, it's usually a subforum or subpage of another larger site.
2. Minus a few exceptions like this one, they're surprisingly inactive. Threads are few and infrequent.
3. They have surprisingly few members, and even fewer active members. Often only in the range of 5-10.
4. Most surprisingly perhaps, it's the same small group of people who are virtually the only active members on every forum. The same 5-10 people use the same user names on at least 5-10 different forums.
5. A disproportionate number of these active users seem to be AB/DLs.
I'm not entirely sure what to make of all this. Perhaps you guys have had different observations or experiences. Or maybe or you're one of the same 5-10 active users on virtually every forum :D
if i had to buy a pack in a pharmacy
i guess id try to be sort of sneaky by hiding the diapers under a case of coke since i don't like buying online anyway
if i had to buy a pack in a pharmacy
Painting your nails
How many of you here love to paint your nails? I usually use black, red, or white. Wet 'n' wild seems to be a good brand for the most part. Goes on easy, looks nice, and easy removal.
Painting your nails
Just got my first pair of plastic pants
Just like the title says, and I want to know if there is anything specific I need to know before I try them on. Detailed care instructions, particularly for special incidents would also be nice, if someone could tell me.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful, blessed day.
- - - Updated - - -
This is just a list of specs.
Brand: Gary
Size: Medium
Cut: slightly taller than regular briefs
Just got my first pair of plastic pants
Anyway, thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful, blessed day.
- - - Updated - - -
This is just a list of specs.
Brand: Gary
Size: Medium
Cut: slightly taller than regular briefs
New Account, not exactly new person.
I had an account a while back that I tried to access some time ago, but I was told it was deleted due to inactivity I've gotten a newish account and a fresh start, since I was mostly a lurker on my previous account anyway, and I want to change that. so hooray for new beginnings!
IRL Name: Not exactly comfortable with sharing athe this time
Real Age: 19
Gender: Male physically, fluid mentally
Orientation: Pan
Hobbies: Military history, psychology, moviegoing, anime/manga, 3D modeling/printing, hack'n'slash and puzzle games, Melee, and Dungeons and Dragons.
Passions: Nuclear physics, quantum physics, and higher level mathematics.
Something about myself: I tend to be very blunt and honest, especially online.
New Account, not exactly new person.
IRL Name: Not exactly comfortable with sharing athe this time
Real Age: 19
Gender: Male physically, fluid mentally
Orientation: Pan
Hobbies: Military history, psychology, moviegoing, anime/manga, 3D modeling/printing, hack'n'slash and puzzle games, Melee, and Dungeons and Dragons.
Passions: Nuclear physics, quantum physics, and higher level mathematics.
Something about myself: I tend to be very blunt and honest, especially online.
Putting myself out there musically
My youtube channel is the same as my username, enjoy if you want, or don't whatever you do is up to you. Dogboy suggested I take a risk and put myself out there. Maybe he didn't mean here, but since people already know about my diaper love in real life I figure why not share my musical skills? I can sing and that's most of what's on my channel. I don't really feel like I'm advertising it because I really could care a lot less than I do now about how successful or how much of a failure my youtube channel is :v
Putting myself out there musically
Ever had that vision?
For some strange reason, I drove past a park last week and there was a sandbox but this image of this user,
was in my head and I could picture him doing what he was doing in his avatar. D: The fursona tyger, not the IRL human himself. Have you seen a user of someone's fursona or profile picture being imitated or visioned doing something near/or in front of you?
(p.s. you're still awesome Tyger ^~^)
Ever had that vision?
was in my head and I could picture him doing what he was doing in his avatar. D: The fursona tyger, not the IRL human himself. Have you seen a user of someone's fursona or profile picture being imitated or visioned doing something near/or in front of you?
(p.s. you're still awesome Tyger ^~^)
A Baseball Legend Leaves Us
Today, Yogi Berra, one of baseball's greatest legends died at the age of 90. In his career, he garnered 10 World Series rings, a feat unlikely in today's sports. More amazing, in 1950, he had only 12 strike outs in 597 at-bats. I can't even imagine that, yet as a kid growing up in southern New Jersey, I listened to countless Yankee baseball games. Television was in its infancy; for baseball, radio was a great way for a young kid to hear the game.
Baseball is a summer game, and in the 50's and 60's, few people had air conditioning. Windows were open, and spilling out of them were the legendary baseball sports announcers like Mel Allen for the Yankees and Red Barber for the Brooklyn Dodgers. As far as I'm concerned, this was the golden age of baseball as greats like Berra, Mantle and Maris went up against Willie Mays and Duke Snyder. The list of these greats is a long one.
Instead of performing enhancing drugs, the players from this era drank beer, and probably a lot of it, yet their accomplishments on the field are forever storied. So I tip my Yankee's hat to one of the great ones, one who I rooted for when I was a kid as they were my idols. "It ain't over until it's over" and I like to believe that it ain't over, but that somewhere, they're still playing in their field of dreams.
A Baseball Legend Leaves Us
Baseball is a summer game, and in the 50's and 60's, few people had air conditioning. Windows were open, and spilling out of them were the legendary baseball sports announcers like Mel Allen for the Yankees and Red Barber for the Brooklyn Dodgers. As far as I'm concerned, this was the golden age of baseball as greats like Berra, Mantle and Maris went up against Willie Mays and Duke Snyder. The list of these greats is a long one.
Instead of performing enhancing drugs, the players from this era drank beer, and probably a lot of it, yet their accomplishments on the field are forever storied. So I tip my Yankee's hat to one of the great ones, one who I rooted for when I was a kid as they were my idols. "It ain't over until it's over" and I like to believe that it ain't over, but that somewhere, they're still playing in their field of dreams.
Diapers in college-- anyone in Ann Arbor?
Hey everybody,
So I've been thinking for a little bit now about trying to get some diapers in college. I feel like given the seldom opportunities I have to wear when my roommates not here, buying a case might be overkill? Does anyone have suggestions? I was thinking maybe buying from Amazon if I could find something small and easy to hide, or the alternative would be trying to find someone to send me one or two, but that doesn't seem all that plausible. Anyone have suggestions?
Also-- off chance, but anyone here in Ann ArborMI?
Diapers in college-- anyone in Ann Arbor?
So I've been thinking for a little bit now about trying to get some diapers in college. I feel like given the seldom opportunities I have to wear when my roommates not here, buying a case might be overkill? Does anyone have suggestions? I was thinking maybe buying from Amazon if I could find something small and easy to hide, or the alternative would be trying to find someone to send me one or two, but that doesn't seem all that plausible. Anyone have suggestions?
Also-- off chance, but anyone here in Ann ArborMI?
Is This Weird
I can't control when I slip into my little headspace and once I'm there it's extremely hard for me to get out of it, and it happens quite often, is there anyone else who has the same thing, and if so do you have any tips on how to cope with it?
Is This Weird
Banner day at the thrift store
Cloth Stuffer in a Disposable...
I came across an old pre-folded baby diaper that the wife apparently was still using as some sort of rag or dust cloth. It's about 18" square and the center section is nice and thick. I have never used a cloth stuffer in a disposable before. So I folded it in thirds an placed it down the center of my Abena Abriflex Premium M3. I have exposed it to three pretty good wettings now.
What a glorious feeling! I love the wet cloth in my crotch! Now I see why some folks push for cloth diapers with plastic pants instead of disposable. Now I gotta figure out how to get some of these. Maybe even look into adult cloth diapers. That's a whole new world for me. Does anyone make adult cloth pull ups? Or do they all require some sort of fastener at the waist?
Any help in the right direction would be appreciated.
Cloth Stuffer in a Disposable...
What a glorious feeling! I love the wet cloth in my crotch! Now I see why some folks push for cloth diapers with plastic pants instead of disposable. Now I gotta figure out how to get some of these. Maybe even look into adult cloth diapers. That's a whole new world for me. Does anyone make adult cloth pull ups? Or do they all require some sort of fastener at the waist?
Any help in the right direction would be appreciated.
Hello Everyone - From SC
-waves- Howdy ya'll. I'm Graye. A south-eastern Babyboy/petplay Pup. Other than the obvious interest in diapers and ABDL, I'm actually quite an artist, a furry artist actually. I'm here for the community and to learn more about my shy, but growing interest in many things ABDL and kink wise as well.
I hope everyone is having a fine mornin/day/evening today :3 And I hope I can make some friends here, cause I am very new to this all!
Also, I'm into gaming, a whole buncha genres of music [mostly rock and metal] , I love art! It is my life and passion. I love to kick back and just chat all day if I can on chat rooms or instant messagers. I go around fursuiting as well. I am a Mother as well to a lovely 4yr old boy - which is just the most awesome lil dude in the world <3 Which does remind me, I am also interest in DDLG/LB too! o if anyone can tlak to me about that as well, that'd be cool. I'm supeer open-minded, and super laid back about so many things it's a fault at times!
But anywho, glad to be here!
Hello Everyone - From SC
I hope everyone is having a fine mornin/day/evening today :3 And I hope I can make some friends here, cause I am very new to this all!
Also, I'm into gaming, a whole buncha genres of music [mostly rock and metal] , I love art! It is my life and passion. I love to kick back and just chat all day if I can on chat rooms or instant messagers. I go around fursuiting as well. I am a Mother as well to a lovely 4yr old boy - which is just the most awesome lil dude in the world <3 Which does remind me, I am also interest in DDLG/LB too! o if anyone can tlak to me about that as well, that'd be cool. I'm supeer open-minded, and super laid back about so many things it's a fault at times!
But anywho, glad to be here!
I'm looking for a daddy, from 20-31 years of age, I need someone loving and sweet and a little strict, I'm willing to be the best baby girl I can be for the right daddy
vintage model train project
figure id share a small project involving a locomotive i inherited its from cox trains circa 1972-3 right now she runs very poorly but i had been told i could kitbash parts from other models to hopefully have it running better after all ive seen engines from the o scale tinplate era restored to running order why not ho trains from 1970-1990
vintage model train project
Introduction from a newbie
mardi 22 septembre 2015
My name is Namid Meoquanee (Indian name), and I am a 40 something woman in a relationship with a dl. I am brand new to this world. But, I love him, and I want to understand. I love the outdoors. Hiking, horseback riding, kayaking....as long as I can be outside in this beautiful world, I'm happy. I also enjoy knitting (a new hobby), scrapbooking, reading, and photography. I work in administration for a construction company and love my fast paced, hectic work place. The days fly by!
I have come to this site for advice regarding my long distance relationship with a man I have come to love very much. He and I were friends 20 years ago, and last year, rekindled our friendship which has grown into much more than friendship. He has been very open about his infantilism and I have no problem with it. I have only recently learned the extent of it, and am struggling with how to live with that. I don't want to be with anyone else; but, I'm not sure how to reconcile with the day to day details of where he is at with this. I have no one I can talk to, so out of desperation, I looked for a forum in which I could gain some support and hopefully garner some understanding. I would do anything to make this work.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and support. I appreciate it more than I can express!
Introduction from a newbie
I have come to this site for advice regarding my long distance relationship with a man I have come to love very much. He and I were friends 20 years ago, and last year, rekindled our friendship which has grown into much more than friendship. He has been very open about his infantilism and I have no problem with it. I have only recently learned the extent of it, and am struggling with how to live with that. I don't want to be with anyone else; but, I'm not sure how to reconcile with the day to day details of where he is at with this. I have no one I can talk to, so out of desperation, I looked for a forum in which I could gain some support and hopefully garner some understanding. I would do anything to make this work.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and support. I appreciate it more than I can express!
Was it a good idea to ask for refund?
A few weeks back I bought some padding off of diaperbuys they been a good seller. I got what I ordered in a timely manner but for some reason the diapers I got dident seem to be working right as in they were defective. They wernt holding the amount of urine that was told on the webpage. I could feel the bag I got had a defect. So I asked the consumer service rep for a refund as the product I got was a bad batch as stuff like this tends to happen this was the first time something like this happened to me. Getting a bad batch. The rep said they do not offer refunds on opened products. I expained what I paid for was defective. She would only give me a 7 dollar discount on an order of 25 dollars. I dident want that I wanted a full refund so I could get another batch that was not defective. I had no option but to open a dispute with paypal as thats how I paid for my diapers. In my dispute I said the product I got was defective and not working as intended. After a few days I got the full refund.
Was I in the right to ask for a refund on a defective batch of diapers.
Was it a good idea to ask for refund?
Was I in the right to ask for a refund on a defective batch of diapers.
Mushrooms and Simulated incontinence in a legal state.
So in Texas it's legal to have magic mushrooms as long as they are not dried. (Weird but true laws) You can buy legal kits to grow them at head shops. So if you live some where it's not legal please don't break the law on my account.
Any way After an hr or so after eating the mushrooms I just start going and some times with no direct connection to consciously deciding to do so. It started years ago when I was with friends and just couldn't tell if I was going or not. At that point I had a lot of anxiety about accidentally wetting my self. I didn't that night, but have tried to always stay diapered when partaking of them. I'm not sure if it's the actual shrooms doing it, or I'm just so relaxed?
I've wondered if any one else has ever had this happen?
I also read a post on here saying scientists are theorizing that this state of mind is the close to the child like mind. Which id have to agree with. I've had many trips back to my childhood while on shrooms. Since its legal in Texas to possess fresh not dried shrooms, I'd like others opinions on if experiencing an altered reality similar to childhood could cause any long term affects. I'm not necessarily asking for opinions on if mushrooms are bad. I know other states do list them as illegal but they are ok here.
So could this some how warp my view of reality? It's kinda interesting being in diapers while tripping. Much more comfortable then the anxiety that I might wet my self, which happens when not diapered.
Has any one else experienced this in a legal atmosphere ? Hopefully posting in the mature area is the right place for this.
Mushrooms and Simulated incontinence in a legal state.
Any way After an hr or so after eating the mushrooms I just start going and some times with no direct connection to consciously deciding to do so. It started years ago when I was with friends and just couldn't tell if I was going or not. At that point I had a lot of anxiety about accidentally wetting my self. I didn't that night, but have tried to always stay diapered when partaking of them. I'm not sure if it's the actual shrooms doing it, or I'm just so relaxed?
I've wondered if any one else has ever had this happen?
I also read a post on here saying scientists are theorizing that this state of mind is the close to the child like mind. Which id have to agree with. I've had many trips back to my childhood while on shrooms. Since its legal in Texas to possess fresh not dried shrooms, I'd like others opinions on if experiencing an altered reality similar to childhood could cause any long term affects. I'm not necessarily asking for opinions on if mushrooms are bad. I know other states do list them as illegal but they are ok here.
So could this some how warp my view of reality? It's kinda interesting being in diapers while tripping. Much more comfortable then the anxiety that I might wet my self, which happens when not diapered.
Has any one else experienced this in a legal atmosphere ? Hopefully posting in the mature area is the right place for this.
Advice for a significant other
I am in a serious relationship with a dl. I completely accept him for who he is. He confided in me today the extent of his infantilism. I have some concerns. He told me that he wears diapers 24/7 and never uses the toilet anymore, ever. He said that it's obvious that he has a diaper on, and that the smell is sometimes very obvious and embarrassing. He doesn't think I will be able to deal with it. We have a long distance relationship at the moment, but he is preparing to uproot and move across the country to be near me. Suddenly I find myself fearful. I have absolutely no problem with the infantilism. I'm concerned about the smell, the (apparently) obvious fact that he's wearing diapers/rubber pants, and how I'll really handle that when the time comes.
I love him very much and don't want this relationship to end. Any advice you can give me would be very much appreciated.
Advice for a significant other
I love him very much and don't want this relationship to end. Any advice you can give me would be very much appreciated.
"Natural" messing or push?
I was just thinking of the way that I have used my diapers in the passed and thought of something of which it may be interesting to find some kind of average or demographic on.
I noticed that it feels more baby-like when you just stand still and let it slide out. But if you've been a father and seen a baby just a little bit before training, you'll notice they push it out rather intensely. So with these two things it seems that one would apply to those who are babies in their little-stand and others who are more toddler-like.
Which do you do?
It didn't let me post a poll, said it timed out. So answer this strawpoll instead. http://ift.tt/1JodrwE
"Natural" messing or push?
I noticed that it feels more baby-like when you just stand still and let it slide out. But if you've been a father and seen a baby just a little bit before training, you'll notice they push it out rather intensely. So with these two things it seems that one would apply to those who are babies in their little-stand and others who are more toddler-like.
Which do you do?
It didn't let me post a poll, said it timed out. So answer this strawpoll instead. http://ift.tt/1JodrwE
Diapers in a sex shop
a while back i read an old thread about how cool it would be if sex shops were selling diapers as a fetish item.
well, it just so happened that while i was doing a deep google search for some new diapers, i noticed the name of the sex shop, and the text underneath said: sections>fetish>abdl.
of course i immediately clicked the link. but after the page loaded, i saw a text that said "this item is no longer selling" and the abdl section was apparently removed, since it was nowhere to be found.
i got a little disapointed, but then i scrolled down to look at what the prices were. the prices were absolutely outrageous: 28€ for a pack of 6 diapers, and a man-tool shaped pacifier that was included with them.
so it looks like at least a few sex shops were selling diapers, but probably stopped because they weren't selling. but who would pay 28€ for 6 probably bad diapers? i can get a whole stash of attends and/or iD's for that price.
i guess i'm still ordering from pharmacies
Diapers in a sex shop
well, it just so happened that while i was doing a deep google search for some new diapers, i noticed the name of the sex shop, and the text underneath said: sections>fetish>abdl.
of course i immediately clicked the link. but after the page loaded, i saw a text that said "this item is no longer selling" and the abdl section was apparently removed, since it was nowhere to be found.
i got a little disapointed, but then i scrolled down to look at what the prices were. the prices were absolutely outrageous: 28€ for a pack of 6 diapers, and a man-tool shaped pacifier that was included with them.
so it looks like at least a few sex shops were selling diapers, but probably stopped because they weren't selling. but who would pay 28€ for 6 probably bad diapers? i can get a whole stash of attends and/or iD's for that price.
i guess i'm still ordering from pharmacies
Anyone told their adult siblings?
Please advise if there is a thread on this topic already. I cannot find it.
My brother and i are very close, we have been forever. I used to steal his diapers. He is my only sibling. He knows about my bedwetting (and diapers) since he camps with us sometimes and stays at our house. He is in his 30's and still sleeps with his baby blanket. He possibly remembers when we were kids and i would sleep with a towel in my underwear. I am pretty sure he would accept my truth and it may not be too much of a surprise. I would like to tell him so i dont have to hide during the day when he comes over. Dont worry, basketball shorts or trackpants are covering the diaper. Maybe our collective insight might help me understand some things about the past? Your thoughts? Is it a bad idea? If this goes well, i may also approach my parents since they live in the same building as me. I'm getting tired of taking the stairs ten floors while padded, so i wont cross them in the elevator. Is that a good idea? Feeling exhausted for hiding something that is so much a part of me, and its not harmful to anyone. But, concerned i am making a bad choice even though i really got nothing to lose (or gain?)
Anyone told their adult siblings?
My brother and i are very close, we have been forever. I used to steal his diapers. He is my only sibling. He knows about my bedwetting (and diapers) since he camps with us sometimes and stays at our house. He is in his 30's and still sleeps with his baby blanket. He possibly remembers when we were kids and i would sleep with a towel in my underwear. I am pretty sure he would accept my truth and it may not be too much of a surprise. I would like to tell him so i dont have to hide during the day when he comes over. Dont worry, basketball shorts or trackpants are covering the diaper. Maybe our collective insight might help me understand some things about the past? Your thoughts? Is it a bad idea? If this goes well, i may also approach my parents since they live in the same building as me. I'm getting tired of taking the stairs ten floors while padded, so i wont cross them in the elevator. Is that a good idea? Feeling exhausted for hiding something that is so much a part of me, and its not harmful to anyone. But, concerned i am making a bad choice even though i really got nothing to lose (or gain?)
molicare super plus and molicare soft super..
i have been wearing molicare super plus for years and years now, i want to try something else, i decided against the molicare comfort super, because theres not enough absorbency for me so im wondering about molicare soft super, i like cloth backed diapers and the reusable tapes look nice. i was about to order some but thought i would look for opinions first before buying them, mainly worried about capacity and comfort..
molicare super plus and molicare soft super..
Hey thereee:)
My name is furberry (on here atleast :D) and me and my girlfriend have been huge fans of the community for a long time! We're both first year students in college, so that's exciting. We both love love love to spend time cuddling up on our days off. To me, diapers are more than just a fetish, it's an escape to have fun and act silly. It's how I've kept myself sane! Lol.
I live in the central part of Texas with my gorgeous girlfriend of 2 years. I grew up in a small town, but now I am in the big city. I do like to be discrete with my.. Habits ;) but I am happy to share stories within the community. I cannot wait to meet the lovely and vast personalities of this community!
Hey thereee:)
I live in the central part of Texas with my gorgeous girlfriend of 2 years. I grew up in a small town, but now I am in the big city. I do like to be discrete with my.. Habits ;) but I am happy to share stories within the community. I cannot wait to meet the lovely and vast personalities of this community!
How do I get better at programming
I feel like I'm stuck in the middle, how do I get better at programming, I know the basics of java and come from a background of C.
Is there anything I can do to improve my skills? I still feel like a noob when it comes to coding, haven't done it for a while due to depression and stuff.
How do I get better at programming
Is there anything I can do to improve my skills? I still feel like a noob when it comes to coding, haven't done it for a while due to depression and stuff.
Drawing Request! Any artists here?
lundi 21 septembre 2015
Hello! I didn't see another place for an art request thread, so I figured it belonged here.
I love art, BUT I can't draw. Especially people. They look like macaroni and cheese noodles. However, I have so many cute ideas for drawings that I'd really like to see!
I'm wondering if there's any insanely cool and friendly artists here who would be up for a few drawing requests? They're nothing too fancy, but they do involve people and diapers, if that's of concern.
If anyone is in the artistic mood and would like some requests, please let me know! I would love you literally forever and be eternally grateful :) Thank you so much!
Drawing Request! Any artists here?
I love art, BUT I can't draw. Especially people. They look like macaroni and cheese noodles. However, I have so many cute ideas for drawings that I'd really like to see!
I'm wondering if there's any insanely cool and friendly artists here who would be up for a few drawing requests? They're nothing too fancy, but they do involve people and diapers, if that's of concern.
If anyone is in the artistic mood and would like some requests, please let me know! I would love you literally forever and be eternally grateful :) Thank you so much!
My name is Josh though you may call me jar-jar or Jaramey. I am 26.After many years of fighting the urges I've learned that it was detrimental to my health to fight what I am. So after some hard ships I've finally decided to reach out, join a community and accept myself for who I am. I have been an AB/DL since i was 12. I have kept this a secret for many many years.
thank you.
My name is Josh though you may call me jar-jar or Jaramey. I am 26.After many years of fighting the urges I've learned that it was detrimental to my health to fight what I am. So after some hard ships I've finally decided to reach out, join a community and accept myself for who I am. I have been an AB/DL since i was 12. I have kept this a secret for many many years.
thank you.
I need p!nk diapers
Hey 🙋 every one I really need to get some pink Diapers badly 😣 and they got to be at a minimum as absorbent as Bambino Teddy's
I need p!nk diapers
Why do no major brick and mortar retailers (in the US) sell premium adult diapers?
I still find it baffling that virtually all major brick and mortar (non-online) retailers in the US sell only Depends and the same generic store brand everywhere. How did Kimberly-Clark get such a monopoly? I've heard a lot of good of theories as to why Depends and store brand diapers suck, but to me the more interesting question is why there's no real competition in stores from better products. If Dry 24/7 can be successful online, why can't it be on shelf next to the Depends? They're both made by American companies. Does the market simply not support it? Are the costs of entry too high? I have yet to hear a satisfactory explanation for lack of decent diapers in stores.
How did anyone get premium diapers before the Internet? :dunno:
Why do no major brick and mortar retailers (in the US) sell premium adult diapers?
How did anyone get premium diapers before the Internet? :dunno:
What do you guys use to cope?
When you are dealing with serious matters what calms you guys down? (please no drug or alcoholic responses, I partake in no drugs or alcohol)
What do you guys use to cope?
Project Patch Steam Group
This popped up in my "new steam groups" tab and thought it might be of some interest here. Project Patch looks to be a support group that centers itself around gaming. From their reddit page:
While it seems a little ambitious to say they are a support community to help people who struggle with anything (I can see the ABDL aspect to have a little bit of issues fitting into anything), The general premise seems awesome and a really good way for people with depression and other struggles to meet and talk.
To anybody interested, here are the links:
Steam: http://ift.tt/1V63cck
Reddit: http://ift.tt/1QU79uR
Project Patch Steam Group
Originally Posted by http://ift.tt/1QU79uR
Welcome to Project Patch!
We are a community of gamers who will accept you no matter what game system you use, no matter your gender, no matter your age, race or religion. This is a community for people who struggle with depression, anxiety, suicide and anything else. We are here to be supportive, whether you need someone to talk to or just want to play a game or two.
All we ask is that you show everyone the respect they deserve and treat them like the people they are. We do not tolerate any rude and/or destructive actions.
We are a community of gamers who will accept you no matter what game system you use, no matter your gender, no matter your age, race or religion. This is a community for people who struggle with depression, anxiety, suicide and anything else. We are here to be supportive, whether you need someone to talk to or just want to play a game or two.
All we ask is that you show everyone the respect they deserve and treat them like the people they are. We do not tolerate any rude and/or destructive actions.
To anybody interested, here are the links:
Steam: http://ift.tt/1V63cck
Reddit: http://ift.tt/1QU79uR
Sydney/Brisbane plz
Hey new to all this. Love to find me a baby brother to care for. Anyone around Sydney or Brisbane? 25 good looking lad here. Get in touch!
Sydney/Brisbane plz
Skype is down :(
This has probably been the first time seeing Skype down globally. It feels kind of weird on how much I depend on Skype. Not being able to have instant access to my connections I feel isolated and alone. I guess I shouldn't keep all of my eggs in one basket xD. I hope Microsoft fixes it soon or I might have to find another service.
Skype is down :(
Dry 24/7 advice
I bought a pack after using cases of ATN. I have had an issue with the tapes on every one. The tops tapes always pop after less then 20 mins, last time all 4 tapes poped while I was worjing on my car. I know they run large and ordered a medium after getting a sample of both small and medium with no issues. I think I am a size 30 waist as all my jeans are 32 and seem to fit too loose. Is this a sizing issue are is there an issue with the maker?
Dry 24/7 advice
Canadian Election- The Campaign So Far
I JUST LOVE ELECTIONS! It's just like Christmas, all the colourful lawn signs,, people all excited, campaign workers knocking on your door singing Christmas carols (okay it's not quite like that).
Anyway,I was wondering how my fellow Canucks were feeling about this, the longest election campaign we've ever had to live through. I must admit, I find it fascinating because it's the first time we've very had a three-way race in Canada, and surprisingly none of the parties have been able to pull ahead of the pack.
I think the Conservatives are still in the game. They were completely thrown off message in first half of the campaign, with their media events overshadowed by Mike Duffy and the Senate scandal, the recession numbers, The Syrian refugee crisis, and of course Pee-gate and other crazy candidates. I think their biggest misstep was failing to understand Canadian compassion over the image of that little boy's body being carried by a soldier. Rather than show empathy to refugees, they connected it to their platform for greater security as a reason to do nothing and it rightfully backfired. They've implemented some measures in the last few days, but I think their lack of response showed their true colours.
The reason I think they're still in the game is because, even though their campaign got hijacked in the first half, the polls show them still running neck and neck with the other parties. The fact that they are still so close to the other parties after such a dismal start means they can still move ahead in the second half if they can stay on message. The Conservatives have always had their core support of voters who won't consider a 'second choice,' not to mention the fact that they have way more money to spend in the second half of the campaign than the other parties (a reason why they called for the extended campaign).
I think Trudeau surprised me. I don't think he's performed exceptionally well but I expected more blunders and gaffes along the way. He 'sounds' like the former drama teacher that he is, and I found him to be shrill and annoying in the debates. I think the Liberal party has had to move to the left,primarily by the fact that they are the only party that is campaigning on running deficits for several years to stimulate the economy. They appear to be doing this to stake out their own territory after the MDP has moved to a more centrist position. This reminds me of our election in Ontario last year, when the Liberal, in a minority government, wrote a budget that was designed to secure NDP support and keep the government afloat for another year. When the NDP refused to support it, the Liberals ran on a left-leaning budget and the NDP were forced to campaign from a centrist position which disenfranchised many of their core party members. The Liberals benefitted and pulled off a surprising victory and re-established themselves with a majority government (note to self; having Hudak as an opposition leader also helped significantly). Anyway, I think federal Liberals might be hoping for a similar outcome at the federal level. Whether it will work or not, I don't know.
The NDP has surprised me as well. When they formed the official opposition in the last election, I was wondering if they would be a one-shot wonder and find them themselves relegated back to their traditional third place status after the next election. They seem to be holding onto their support in Québec and building modestly in other areas, that they may even form government after the next election. I support the federal daycare program being proposed by the NDP and find it ironic that the Liberals would have the nerve to criticize it. The Libs ran every campaign since 1993 promising to bring in a universal daycare program and never brought in a single space during their entire thirteen years in power. I also don't support the NDP position that a Québec referendum would only require 50% +1 in order to separate from the country. I lived through the last referendum in 1995 where they very nearly reached that number, failing by less than one per cent. Although separatism isn't a big issue on the agenda right now, it may not always be that way, and the NDP promise may reignite the debate. I also find Mulcair has been somewhat vague on balancing the budget. At least the Liberals are upfront and saying they will run a deficit. I need to look over the platform more closely (I'm also not opposed to running a small deficit in order to preserve programs and services). I also find Mulcair is a little cagey on how he will appeal to the environmentalists in his party in regulating the oil sands, when there are a number of party members who only see shutting them down as a viable option. If he can at least bring back the environmental assessments to new projects that the Conservatives scrapped it would be a good start.
I think the election victory might come down to the undecided voters. My feeling on this is that many of these people are likely vacillating between the Liberals and the NDP. The Conservatives have their core support but I don't think there is much more room for them to expand their base. I think a lot of Canadians are still unsure about the Liberals or the NDP, but they want desperately to get rid of Harper.
It's also possible that no party will pull ahead and this three way race will continue right up until election day, and we'll have a minority... something for a government. Then we can start looking at a coalition government perhaps.
Questions to consider (or ignore, say whatever you want)
So how do you feel about the election so far?
Has any party exceeded your expectations or disappointed you?
How do rate the performance of the leaders?
Are there any campaign platforms you find appealing or bogus?
Any predictions for election day?
Canadian Election- The Campaign So Far
Anyway,I was wondering how my fellow Canucks were feeling about this, the longest election campaign we've ever had to live through. I must admit, I find it fascinating because it's the first time we've very had a three-way race in Canada, and surprisingly none of the parties have been able to pull ahead of the pack.
I think the Conservatives are still in the game. They were completely thrown off message in first half of the campaign, with their media events overshadowed by Mike Duffy and the Senate scandal, the recession numbers, The Syrian refugee crisis, and of course Pee-gate and other crazy candidates. I think their biggest misstep was failing to understand Canadian compassion over the image of that little boy's body being carried by a soldier. Rather than show empathy to refugees, they connected it to their platform for greater security as a reason to do nothing and it rightfully backfired. They've implemented some measures in the last few days, but I think their lack of response showed their true colours.
The reason I think they're still in the game is because, even though their campaign got hijacked in the first half, the polls show them still running neck and neck with the other parties. The fact that they are still so close to the other parties after such a dismal start means they can still move ahead in the second half if they can stay on message. The Conservatives have always had their core support of voters who won't consider a 'second choice,' not to mention the fact that they have way more money to spend in the second half of the campaign than the other parties (a reason why they called for the extended campaign).
I think Trudeau surprised me. I don't think he's performed exceptionally well but I expected more blunders and gaffes along the way. He 'sounds' like the former drama teacher that he is, and I found him to be shrill and annoying in the debates. I think the Liberal party has had to move to the left,primarily by the fact that they are the only party that is campaigning on running deficits for several years to stimulate the economy. They appear to be doing this to stake out their own territory after the MDP has moved to a more centrist position. This reminds me of our election in Ontario last year, when the Liberal, in a minority government, wrote a budget that was designed to secure NDP support and keep the government afloat for another year. When the NDP refused to support it, the Liberals ran on a left-leaning budget and the NDP were forced to campaign from a centrist position which disenfranchised many of their core party members. The Liberals benefitted and pulled off a surprising victory and re-established themselves with a majority government (note to self; having Hudak as an opposition leader also helped significantly). Anyway, I think federal Liberals might be hoping for a similar outcome at the federal level. Whether it will work or not, I don't know.
The NDP has surprised me as well. When they formed the official opposition in the last election, I was wondering if they would be a one-shot wonder and find them themselves relegated back to their traditional third place status after the next election. They seem to be holding onto their support in Québec and building modestly in other areas, that they may even form government after the next election. I support the federal daycare program being proposed by the NDP and find it ironic that the Liberals would have the nerve to criticize it. The Libs ran every campaign since 1993 promising to bring in a universal daycare program and never brought in a single space during their entire thirteen years in power. I also don't support the NDP position that a Québec referendum would only require 50% +1 in order to separate from the country. I lived through the last referendum in 1995 where they very nearly reached that number, failing by less than one per cent. Although separatism isn't a big issue on the agenda right now, it may not always be that way, and the NDP promise may reignite the debate. I also find Mulcair has been somewhat vague on balancing the budget. At least the Liberals are upfront and saying they will run a deficit. I need to look over the platform more closely (I'm also not opposed to running a small deficit in order to preserve programs and services). I also find Mulcair is a little cagey on how he will appeal to the environmentalists in his party in regulating the oil sands, when there are a number of party members who only see shutting them down as a viable option. If he can at least bring back the environmental assessments to new projects that the Conservatives scrapped it would be a good start.
I think the election victory might come down to the undecided voters. My feeling on this is that many of these people are likely vacillating between the Liberals and the NDP. The Conservatives have their core support but I don't think there is much more room for them to expand their base. I think a lot of Canadians are still unsure about the Liberals or the NDP, but they want desperately to get rid of Harper.
It's also possible that no party will pull ahead and this three way race will continue right up until election day, and we'll have a minority... something for a government. Then we can start looking at a coalition government perhaps.
Questions to consider (or ignore, say whatever you want)
So how do you feel about the election so far?
Has any party exceeded your expectations or disappointed you?
How do rate the performance of the leaders?
Are there any campaign platforms you find appealing or bogus?
Any predictions for election day?
Gone Too Soon...
dimanche 20 septembre 2015
I............. *tears up* I WAS a father.... My fiance found out she was pregnant.... I haven't posted this until now... but I'm crying and I can't hold back anymore... my fiance and I lost a baby. She was only a few months pregnant... But I could feel a baby in her stomach.... I felt it's hand... then a month or so later she was gone... my fiance had bleeding and bad abdominal pain... I didn't feel any movement..I feel like it's all my fault... she was in a bad place.. her aunt and uncle smoke non stop all the time... I've read about second hand smoke being linked to miscarriage but I was hoping that maybe the baby could make it without being damaged or anything... my fiacnce went outside when they smoked and tried to stay away from them... but they had parties where many people smoked... now maybe It is my fault and I just had bad genes or maybe she did or we both did or... I just... I don't know... I don't want to blame anyone but at the same time I want to blame something... we were trying to have a baby so maybe just maybe it could bring us together and people would be more willing to help... but it just wasn't meant to be... maybe it was a bad motive but I loved that child and it wasn't even born yet. I was dreaming of the day I'd walk them down the aisle and say... "It was hard for us, but we made it and now here you are, getting married.".... I would work hard to give them everything.. .to make sure they didn't end up a failure like me... I know I have time and I'm young but my feelings may not always align with what is true... I just hope I can get through all this... I know people have it worse... but this just isn't good.
Gone Too Soon...
Consumer Reports is looking for thoughts on incontinence products
Thought some people here may want to comment on this.
From the Consumer Reports Facebook page:
Are you satisfied with the incontinence products available to you, or do they need improvement? Please share your thoughts with us here or at askourhealthexperts@cro.consumer.org for an upcoming story.
Consumer Reports is looking for thoughts on incontinence products
From the Consumer Reports Facebook page:
Are you satisfied with the incontinence products available to you, or do they need improvement? Please share your thoughts with us here or at askourhealthexperts@cro.consumer.org for an upcoming story.
How do you youtube from a PS3?
I have plenty of games that I bought online (my disc games were all stolen I had about 40 some) that I want to play and upload to youtube. One issue... I have no idea how to do that nor do I know how to edit... I already have a youtube channel which I can reveal upon request, but anyway, I just wonder what tips and ideas do you guys have? Is a capture card required? If so how much are they?
How do you youtube from a PS3?
Hey everyone
I'm a good person who wears diapers 24/7 because I'm incontinent, but I'm used it. :)
Hey everyone
Advice for me and my Mommy?
Um...howdy! Uh, i'm not really sure where to begin...but I have some questions...
My Mommy is a Little with a Daddy who is an awesome Grandpa! She's uh...polygamous.
Anywho, our relationship is less sexually based, I didn't really have a mother and she had her children taken away from her...so we kinda filled each other's void.
We're at the stage where she's agreed to an adult adoption to make it official.
I'd just like to hear some advise for us as it's a new relationship for both of us and we'd like some advise from others.
Advice for me and my Mommy?
My Mommy is a Little with a Daddy who is an awesome Grandpa! She's uh...polygamous.
Anywho, our relationship is less sexually based, I didn't really have a mother and she had her children taken away from her...so we kinda filled each other's void.
We're at the stage where she's agreed to an adult adoption to make it official.
I'd just like to hear some advise for us as it's a new relationship for both of us and we'd like some advise from others.
New here and want to introduce myself
I am a DL and also love to wear plastic pants without the diaper. I live in the south with every day sunshine: which doesn't make it easy to wear diapers as often as I would like too.
New here and want to introduce myself
Help me identify that diaper please
I've just found a diaper someone gave me in the past and I want to find what model it is and if we can find them today anywhere, this looks like a standard plastic backed adult diaper but the closing system is quite different, it has two wings that goes over the belly area and close with a velcro, then you bring the front part that attach to this with 4 velcro integrated into the front of the diaper itself. Making it a neat system, I have two more pictures if needed but it seems the system doesn't allow me to post more than 2 in the same message.

Nappy sack sizing
Just out of curiosity, how many people use standard baby nappy sacks to dispose of their used padding? Surprisingly, I have yet to come across a nappy sack that could not accommodate a medium-sized adult nappy, even very wet premium types. They all seem to be a lot larger than they need to be.
Nappy sack sizing
Hello Fwom UK
hi, I'm Charlie from England, I'm 20 but my little self is around 2/3, I love pull ups but am fairly new to it and sometimes I just want a mummy to take care of me. Aside from be little I have a full timetable studying Mechanical Engineering. I take Jiu Jitsu and socialise broadly. I am Homoromantic asexual.
Hello Fwom UK
A truth not known until now
I have not worn diapers in over 2 years because I have not been able to afford them. I have been trying to get a job but the market for them is slim pickings. I even applied to Taco Bell and got nothing back. I have recieved many phone calls for jobs but I cannot take them due to lack of a GED or high school diploma. I feel so ashamed to not have graduated and I feel like my life is not headed in the right direction. I know that I should get a GED but all the excuses I can think of won't make any of you believe me when I say I just can't do it. I have a bad attitude because of depression, suicidal tendencies, social phobia, and many other things. I need someone to help me prove myself wrong... that I CAN do it and that I will make something of my life. I just keep trying to get better mentally first... I'm learning coping skills from my therapist. I DO NOT want pills... been there done that. They screwed up my eyes. I can see fine, but the color of them changes sometimes based on mood. This appears to be fading... and they are returning to my natural blue eyes. I have dark blonde hair often mistaken for brown. I have natural highlights in my hair. My facial hair is often too blonde so I shave it off to avoid people calling me something well.. that I'm not. I hope that I can improve myself enough to the point where I recognise when I'm doing something wrong... people are noticing that I'm changing for the better slowly but surely. The pain in my heart doesn't always fade but it does fade when I laugh with good friends or spend time with my fiance. I wish I didn't hate myself like I do... I'm trying to change that. I've been in therapy on and off since I was 15 but I probably should have gotten it much sooner seeing as my first depressing thought was around the age of three. No one should ever have to say that their first suicidal thought was at a young age and continued into adulthood. People say "Oh, it's just a phase." Yes because 3-19 is a phase right? Maybe they misunderstand the phrase, "Just a phase" but that's not of my concern. My one wish for being on this site is to gain friends of the same interest, get advice when I need it, and seek solice in the safety of the ADISC site.
A truth not known until now
Childfree- Why so taboo?
Hello everyone! I did a search on this topic, although I didn't really see any relevant threads discussing what I'm talking about.
So I'm a part of DDLG and as a result, I am heavily into the caregiver side of a relationship. I'm a daddy dom and I love taking care of my girlfriend as a Little. I find it incredibly rewarding, cute, and even romantic. That being said, I also despise kids.
Okay, I guess I don't "hate" kids, but I hate the thought of actually having my own. I know it's ironic, since I love being a "daddy", but whenever I think about having my own children, I feel repulsed. There are a number of reasons— they're messy, they're loud, they're EXPENSIVE, they're time consuming, they're stressful, they take away time from my loved one, they need constant attention, they need to be taught quite literally everything, etc. etc. etc. I could go on. Bottom line— I don't want kids of my own. Ever.
Now I have no problem with people who want they're own kids. I'm not going to be disgusted by parents or wannabe-parents. I'm not going to think less of people who want kids or lecture people why having kids is not worth the trouble. I don't care what people want to do with their reproductive abilities or desire for future family. Yet, everyone seems concerned with MINE.
I constantly get asked when I'm having kids/how many kids I want/if I'm excited to start my own family. I always answer calmly and politely, "Oh, I don't want to have kids. They're not for me." And of course, I'm frequently meant with a surprised look as if I just tried to proclaim myself as God, or something. Then comes "the storm."
"WHY don't you want kids? Who wouldn't want kids? Don't you want a family? What if your wife wants them??"
I really shouldn't have to explain myself. "Because I don't want them" should be a good enough answer, but it never seems to be. I explain myself, and then I get round 2:
"You'll change your mind when you're older! *hearty laugh*" "Everyone wants kids once they turn *insert age here*!" "You'll fall in love and then you'll get baby fever!"
No, I won't change my mind. In fact, as I got older, I changed my mind from 'wanting kids' to 'NOT wanting kids'. I'm 21, which is still young, sure. But this is something I absolutely know about myself. I used to always think that having kids was a requirement. I felt pressured into having them, so I told myself I did want them. As I got older, I realized "Hey, it's my life. I'm under no obligation to reproduce." I'd rather focus on myself, my loved one, and my career solely. If you want to add kids to that equation, great! For me, no thank you.
Then of course, there's the 3rd round:
"How could you be so selfish? I can't believe you don't want to have kids. What else is there to do in life? YOU WERE A CHILD ONCE TOO!11!"
At this point, I just end the conversation, though it shouldn't get to this to begin with.
I don't understand why people are so personally offended when I say I don't want kids. I don't insult kids, I don't tell them that having kids is a bad decision. I mind my own business and respect others' decisions. Yet, no one can seem to do the same for me.
Am I alone on this? Am I really that strange and perplexing? Is not wanting kids REALLY that taboo? I'm constantly met with hostility and people commonly resort to offending ME just because they don't agree with my life choice. Which, by the way, affects them in no way whatsoever.
I guess this was more of a rant than anything. I'm just wondering what are others' thoughts on this? Are there any childfree people here too? Are you met with hostility? If you're not childfree, do you find it "weird" that people don't want kids? Why such the big deal?
Thank for reading, if you made it this far!
Childfree- Why so taboo?
So I'm a part of DDLG and as a result, I am heavily into the caregiver side of a relationship. I'm a daddy dom and I love taking care of my girlfriend as a Little. I find it incredibly rewarding, cute, and even romantic. That being said, I also despise kids.
Okay, I guess I don't "hate" kids, but I hate the thought of actually having my own. I know it's ironic, since I love being a "daddy", but whenever I think about having my own children, I feel repulsed. There are a number of reasons— they're messy, they're loud, they're EXPENSIVE, they're time consuming, they're stressful, they take away time from my loved one, they need constant attention, they need to be taught quite literally everything, etc. etc. etc. I could go on. Bottom line— I don't want kids of my own. Ever.
Now I have no problem with people who want they're own kids. I'm not going to be disgusted by parents or wannabe-parents. I'm not going to think less of people who want kids or lecture people why having kids is not worth the trouble. I don't care what people want to do with their reproductive abilities or desire for future family. Yet, everyone seems concerned with MINE.
I constantly get asked when I'm having kids/how many kids I want/if I'm excited to start my own family. I always answer calmly and politely, "Oh, I don't want to have kids. They're not for me." And of course, I'm frequently meant with a surprised look as if I just tried to proclaim myself as God, or something. Then comes "the storm."
"WHY don't you want kids? Who wouldn't want kids? Don't you want a family? What if your wife wants them??"
I really shouldn't have to explain myself. "Because I don't want them" should be a good enough answer, but it never seems to be. I explain myself, and then I get round 2:
"You'll change your mind when you're older! *hearty laugh*" "Everyone wants kids once they turn *insert age here*!" "You'll fall in love and then you'll get baby fever!"
No, I won't change my mind. In fact, as I got older, I changed my mind from 'wanting kids' to 'NOT wanting kids'. I'm 21, which is still young, sure. But this is something I absolutely know about myself. I used to always think that having kids was a requirement. I felt pressured into having them, so I told myself I did want them. As I got older, I realized "Hey, it's my life. I'm under no obligation to reproduce." I'd rather focus on myself, my loved one, and my career solely. If you want to add kids to that equation, great! For me, no thank you.
Then of course, there's the 3rd round:
"How could you be so selfish? I can't believe you don't want to have kids. What else is there to do in life? YOU WERE A CHILD ONCE TOO!11!"
At this point, I just end the conversation, though it shouldn't get to this to begin with.
I don't understand why people are so personally offended when I say I don't want kids. I don't insult kids, I don't tell them that having kids is a bad decision. I mind my own business and respect others' decisions. Yet, no one can seem to do the same for me.
Am I alone on this? Am I really that strange and perplexing? Is not wanting kids REALLY that taboo? I'm constantly met with hostility and people commonly resort to offending ME just because they don't agree with my life choice. Which, by the way, affects them in no way whatsoever.
I guess this was more of a rant than anything. I'm just wondering what are others' thoughts on this? Are there any childfree people here too? Are you met with hostility? If you're not childfree, do you find it "weird" that people don't want kids? Why such the big deal?
Thank for reading, if you made it this far!
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