Advice wanted - US premium diaper brands / hotels

jeudi 27 août 2015

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for a bit of advice. I'll be taking a vacation to the United States later in the year, and I'm considering getting some diapers shipped to my hotel for when I arrive.

I could of course take some nappies with me when I go, but I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and buy some premium ABDL diapers that would normally be difficult to get hold of in the EU.

I'm currently considering any of the following:

- Snuggies Waddlers / Waddlers Overnights
- ABU Cushies / SDK
- Dry 24/7
- Rearz

A good looking diaper is probably equally important as a well-performing one. These will mostly be for play, and we can get pretty decent functional diapers here. The only factor that out-ranks cuteness / looks is thickness - the more padding the better! I prefer plastic-backed diapers to cloth-backed, but I think all the brands on my list are plastic anyway. Obviously cost is a bit of a factor, but these are a bit of a birthday gift to myself, so I don't mind spoiling myself a bit!

So my questions to you are:

1) If you could only choose one US 'exclusive' brand to try, what would it be?

2) Which of these companies is the best for customer service / best at accommodating requests? The reason I ask is that the package will need some extra info adding to the outside so that when it arrives at the hotel, they'll know it's for me and hold it until I check in.

Currently I think Snuggies are my top choice, but I've heard mixed reviews. They look so good though, so I'm torn!

Has anyone done anything like this before? If you've got any tips, they'd be much appreciated too :)
Advice wanted - US premium diaper brands / hotels

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