Feeling too old to enjoy young things-squeezed out of the fun...Or something else?

dimanche 23 août 2015

I don't know how to say this, but I feel like I've lost my generation altogether, like some sort of immortal when they see all their friends growing older and they stay the same... I don't know if it is infantilism that fuels my love of various (what I would consider) childish interests outside of the actual ABDL scene. For example, I love Anime and it seems I'm more keen on the cutesy-er ones lately. I went to my first comicon-esque convention recently (I've always wanted to go), and I seem to be becoming really addicted to card games - MagicTheGathering, Hearthstone, even Pokemon TCG for god's sake! And I mean I'm 25 years old now, I feel like I should be getting away from all that - but I want to indulge these things more than ever... But I have absolutely no friends left who would possibly be interested in any of these things and most of the people who do are way younger... I know I know - there are tons of Adult Cosplayers and all that, but I mean these teenage kids have way more experience than me and I feel like some sort of greesy old man! Like, I just want someone my age to play these games and enjoy these elements with, but that seems an impossible feat. It feels so awkward to be the old one who "still" has an interest in such things, especially since a lot of it hasn't actually blossomed until now... I can't say for sure if it falls into a more infantilist-oriented nostalgia from childhood or if it's just an immaturity or what, but it just feels so wrong and creepy to be with such a young crowd. When a kid goes outside they look for a "playmate", but that seems what exactly I'm looking for in an adult, not for any sexual or even relationship reasons, but just some person to hang out with thats my own age for these entertainments I so love and enjoy. What I can't understand is though - what is my motivation for all this - am I overindulging some infantilist non-sexual interests or some kind of emotional need or some kind of immature state where everyone else is evolved past. For the last part it's especially confusing as I play less and less non-card-games (like console ps3 etc) and it's especially odd. The key is that these are legitimately innocent interests not related to the abdl-fetish stuffs. Does anyone else experience this - what is going on???

PS: I didn't know what section to post this in, so I thought Off-Topic was a catch-all... If I was incorrect please move me, thanks. :)
Feeling too old to enjoy young things-squeezed out of the fun...Or something else?

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