Would you discuss ABDL in the public eye?

vendredi 28 août 2015

I was a bit bored the other night and ended up rewatching the Dr. Phil episode where he had Baby Brett on, just because I thought it might be interesting to take another look at how the host and the media treated ABDL as an issue. It was a bit patronising, but the guy actually came across really well & showed that you can balance AB desires with functioning as an adult. Anyway, it got me to thinking...

If someone you knew said that they thought you'd be a good representative for our community, to discuss your experiences openly and reveal your identity, on TV, in a major publication or somewhere prominent online, would you do it? Do you think that right now, the benefits of sharing that experience, and the world better understanding ABDL would outweigh the possible repercussions of 'coming out' as an AB/Little, or do you feel that the public's stigma about who we are and what we do is still too strong to risk unmasking yourself?

I think if I knew I was going to appear on a serious, responsible platform and not have my words or views twisted, I would go public about ABDL to share my story. However, I would never agree to anything which I felt sensationalised or embellished my desires and experiences, or was set-up to portray ABDL as something weird, to be gawked at. How about fellow ADISCers?
Would you discuss ABDL in the public eye?

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