Public safety warning

vendredi 28 août 2015

Hoards of horny net geeks roam the Serengeti ready to pounce on anything resembling something they can ravage and, or beg to become whatever their image of idealized sexuality may be.


Ok, so now that I have your attention, shall we discuss negative experiences with others that were a turn off or scared the shit out of us and made us wonder just what we just opened ourselves up to.

I met someone online when I was a teen only to have him pop a porn in the VCR and drop trow in his living room the first time we met. This experience along with college followed by marriage and parenthood, all while in college and in that order, kept me from the scene for over a decade.

Actually now that I think of it I'm not sure if the horny net geek or my newly pregnant wife informing me that I was about to become a parent was more traumatic. hmm...

Anyway, where was I ... Oh, yeah, what were your experiences with the; lonely, weird, fringe, horny, psychotic, or just pathetically needy that gave you pause?
Public safety warning

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