hello again....from nyc.

lundi 31 août 2015

i have never really actively tried to partake in any conversations, but i read them often. i have only met two other AB/DLs in nyc, but there must be waaaay more out there, i imagine. i thought i would finally reach out and see who else might be within 500 miles....i consider that relatively close for an anyone with AB/DL interests. i have been wearing most of my life and over the past year have become a semi-regular bedwetter...i wet the bed until late as a child and after wearing mostly every night on and off for a couple years and just letting go, i have found that i wake up wet more often than not. it would be great to make some friends on the east coast. i wear just about every day that i dont have work or responsibilities tend to. apart from those interests, i am very active and also like to just stay home and watch movies most nights as opposed to going out on the town. anyone else feel the need for a local diapered friend? i am attractive and fit and not a total creep....in case any female ab/dls might be curuious. ha....not looking for sexual relations though, just friends. :)
hello again....from nyc.

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