Would You Give Funds For an ABDL Short Film?

jeudi 27 août 2015

Hi guys! I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, so Moo, if I'm unable, please delete this.

So you see guys, I'm a Film Major, I just graduated with my degree in Film Production Technology. Last year, a lot of my associates and friends, plus me, were thinking on making an ABDL Short Film. I was the one who wrote the script, the idea and all, and my associates liked it. We even did casting and script revisions, however, we were halted by budget. We need like 2,500 dollars to produce this 40 minute film. So I am just asking... were I to start a crowdfunding campaign, would you support it?

Hugs to everyone!
Would You Give Funds For an ABDL Short Film?

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