There are member's from all over the world what is It like being an AB/DL where you live.

lundi 24 août 2015

I'm in the USA so here I keep a low profile on my AB/DL life.
As long as I not putting it out there I'm ok some what safe.

I have been to a few munches and met other's of like mind.
Are there get to gathers and meet up where your country's are.
I can readily get AB/DL items here.
How is the perception where you are from is it safe to be participant in your kink.
Can you be your self or have to hide who you are how are the laws for you where
You live.what would you like to see change with how others see this kink in your country.

How do you see us in USA as to be different from how you are.

Thank you for looking in on this thread.
There are member's from all over the world what is It like being an AB/DL where you live.

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