College not leaving any time for Adisc

lundi 31 août 2015

I just started college last week, and obviously there has been a LOT of homework. Lots and lots of writing in particular which can be very time consuming and very mentally depleting (and fun at times as I enjoy writing). But this brings me to my issue; I immediately noticed that once I started going to classes and studying on a regular basis, as well as trying to fit in time for relaxation, socializing, and hobbies, I've noticed my time on this site has taken a nose dive.

I've tried to get on here a few times over the last week but I just have the mental energy to read and make quality posts, not to mention my interest in my little side has also gone down tremendously. It's really bumming me out because I love posting here and I really love enriching my little side. It also just really bothers me when I go awhile without being active on here for whatever reason. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit since it's only been a week, but the change has been very noticeable.

Are there any other college students here experience this? Or can anyone relate at all? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
College not leaving any time for Adisc

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