I Have No Imagination. Help.

dimanche 30 août 2015

Hey everyone,

Not sure if this is the proper sub-forum, but I came to a pretty depressing conclusion around a month ago or so and I felt like sharing it to see if anyone has any ideas to help me. As you might have guessed from the title, I don't really have an imagination.

I honestly have no idea why I hadn't realised it before, me being 19 by the time this is written, but my head is basically a desert. It's very well illustrated when I for example play Minecraft. In that game I can't play creative mode, because of the lack of objective and the fact I have no idea what I can do when I can do anything. Same goes for Lego's: infinite possibilities but zero inspiration. I just never understood it.

This goes back to my childhood even. I've never really seen the world in a different way than it "is". I remember once having written something about a shark murdering a dolphin at age 6. Seems realistic and "as is" when you know that sharks are killers, but don't know sharks are actually scared of dolphins.

It's really bringing me down, because I feel like I'm missing out on something. I wanna be able to write and create things out of nowhere: music, stories, art, you know the deal, but at this point in my life I can't do that and everyone knows how frustrating it is to want something you can't do. :wallbash:

An imaginationless baby. It even sounds depressing.

I also don't know how to play pretend or stuff like that, which is quite important because I only have myself and my plushies, who are all just plushies and have no personalities, because of the reason stated above. Do you guys know how I might trigger my imagination, is it something that can be taught through something or do you think it's just not a part of my being? I hope to god it's not the latter.

I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.

- Finn
I Have No Imagination. Help.

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