Hello All

lundi 31 août 2015

Greetings All,

I obviously just signed up on this site. I've known about it for some time now, but never took the time to register. Well, I finally did. I have a huge interest in diapers and I have for as long as I can remember.

I enjoy my life! I work in IT and couldn't ask for a better career. My wife and I married 4 years ago and we have 3 wonderful children. Among some of my hobbies are Golf, Fishing, and of course spending time with my family.

I'm looking forward to being a part of this community and sharing my thoughts with those who care to read them. I hope that this site is what everyone says it is. Just being a part of something like this could be just what I'm looking for.

I thank you for your time reading my introduction, and look forward to being an active member of the forums.

I hope your day is going as well as mine at the moment.

Hello All

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