Confused about how to act around parent after being found out

vendredi 28 août 2015

So I live with my mother and recently she found out that I like to wear diapers. She was completely accepting of it, albeit a little confused, but she understands and is tolerant of it. She even offered to make me some AB clothes (i declined) but now I am unsure about how to go about the whole diaper thing around her. Before I would only wear when I was home alone and only order when I would be home alone and I would dispose at a nearby public bin or put it in with a bin liner full of rubbish and put it in our wheelie bin.
Now that she has found out I am unsure how she would react if I were to wear them around the house (under clothes) when she is home or if she would mind me ordering packages online and her being here when they arrive and if I still need to be as discrete when disposing of them. I would still wrap them in dark bags of course though.
Has anyone else been in this situation and what did they end up doing? I don't know if it is best to just ask her directly but I am unsure how I would go about that. I'd really appreciate any help and anybody elses experiences on this matter.
Confused about how to act around parent after being found out

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