Discovered….with a surreal twist.

mardi 25 août 2015

So, this is a bit different. I rent and have two roommates. We share a three story house with the finished basement being my own area it's basically two separate homes. I was taking out my trash today and put it in the outside bin upstairs for trash day tomorrow. I lifted the bag on top to put my bag on bottom (habit, I feel it helps keeps the smell of my used products down). When I replaced the bag I had removed to place mine I pushed it down a bit to make it all fit…that's when I felt it.

It was that unmistakeable feeling of a used diaper. I lifted my hand and through the opaqueness of the white kitchen bag I could see another white bag in a bundle tied up, a very familiar sight.

This being the kitchen trash (shared kitchen) I had a strange moment of confusion (that kinda floating déjà vu feeling). My roommates do not know of my IC issues, but I don't go out of my way to hide them, I just live my life. I also have a few short term memory issues from a TBI, so this bag was really confusing. I couldn't remember throwing anything away up there.

My curiosity got the better of me and I untied the kitchen bag and right away I could tell the other bag (white store bag) had a few used diapers in it. I carry white plastic bags, a diaper/pull-up or two, and changing supplies with me in my backpack and I have, on occasion, brought a bag with used diapers home if I accidentally put it back in my backpack after a change.

I untied the bag. They were not mine. They are most definitely not mine. One was a black depend silhouette and the other was a heavy capacity pull-up, probably a tranquility overnight. As soon as I realized they weren't mine, I really felt ashamed like a low down sneak and hurriedly retied both bags.

It is strange, I have dealt with my day/night bladder/slight bowel IC issues for so long that I don't give wearing protection another thought. They are my underwear, as it were. But, I also never really gave too much thought about other people out there having issues too. I mean, I knew that of course. But I never really KNEW that on a visceral level. It was kind of an eye opening little gut punch. It really reminded me of the time I found out my childhood friend was also a bed-wetter. I always knew other kids wet the bed, but I never really knew it. If that makes any sense.

Anyways, I just thought I would share this little epiphany. I will, of course, not be pursuing the situation any further. I do not particularly care that one of my roommates also has issues, nor do I care to find out which one, but it is a bit more comforting to KNOW…I'm not the only one. :)
Discovered….with a surreal twist.

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