ABs - Are we romanticising childhood?

dimanche 23 août 2015

Obviously, because whether we feel it or not, we are all technically adults, I imagine that all but a tiny minority of us have to take care of at least some of the responsibilities or enact the behaviours associated with being 'grown up'. Because of that, the role of a baby or child can seem incredibly appealing in comparison to the stresses of work, family or even studying.

But do you think regression, ageplaying etc. romanticises what being a baby or child is like? When you consider that actual little ones sometimes have a lot of coughs, colds and jabs, have very few freedoms and are easily overtired, is being young actually not really any better - or perhaps worse - than the irritations of adulthood?

Or do you feel that those issues little ones might have would be well worth coping with for the ways that you would be treated as a baby/kid, the activities and games you could do with a carer and the innocence you'd have?

Or are you someone who never thinks about that in relation to your wants and needs to feel little?

Would be really interested to hear others' take on this. :)
ABs - Are we romanticising childhood?

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