Air Travel observations/tips

samedi 22 août 2015

I frequently travel for work and as a diaper wearer by choice I thought I'd share some observations and tactics that I use for airline travel:
1. Nobody really pays attention to what you are long as your not flagging your diaper from the top of your pants or showing your diapered rear from a too short skirt most people will not even notice.
2. Airports are loud places no one will hear you crinkle
3. TSA will not question or comment on diapers in your luggage or carry on
4. Diapers do show on the body scan machines
5. Changing in an airplane bathroom is a pain in the ass
6. Wearing on rough flight is great - when everyone else is struggling to hold it because they can't get up to use the bathroom you can sit and smile caused your padded.
7. Plastic pants should be used. They offer an additional layer of protection and they prevent sagging.
8. Carry a plastic shopping bag to use when disposing of a wet diaper
9. Don't go crazy with baby powder its a very distinctive scent and makes people wonder
10. Family bathrooms are great places for a quick change
11. Be cautious with your fluid intake...having an overly saturated/leaking diaper and no place to change sucks!
12. For the ladies; If you are fortunate enough to get 2 or more seats alone and you can lay sideways to sleep and your wearing a skirt be cautious! On an evening flight a couple months back a sleeping middle age women was showing the entire plane her Tena slip maxi padded bottom when her skirt rode up.
13. If you need to change and you have time use the rest rooms in most empty concourse...most times you can have the entire rest room to yourself.
14. Practice changing while standing up before you attempt diapered travel
15. If your worried about security go through un-diapered and then diaper up once you are through.

I'm sure there are many more tips/comments from others but the summary is as long as your discreet no one (other than other diaper wearers) will probably ever notice.
Air Travel observations/tips

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