Babied By My Best Friend

samedi 8 août 2015

Hi guys, I already updated it before but I think it deserves and thread on it's own. You see, my best friend came to visit me for the week, and needless to say, we had a blast. It was awesome, because he was up to babying me. He accepts and embraces my ABDL side, so he is the best big bro ever. This is what we did:

+ I wore diapers 24/7, Snuggies, and I slept with him in the same bed with me diapered.

+ He sang lullabies for me to sleep every night.

+ He convinced me to take a pacifier out in public as a necklace, so I did and sucked it in the outdoors. He found it adorable cause he hugged me every time I'd put the paci on my mouth.

+ He cuddled me. A LOT! There was one time I put my head on his lap and started sucking my thumb and he rubbed my hair lovingly.

+ He changed me once. It was his first diaper change ever, so it was a beautiful experience.

He's back on Mexico, but it was the best time ever!!
Babied By My Best Friend

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