Deemed to be single?

dimanche 9 août 2015

Ok so I seem to have no luck with getting a girlfriend, I have outlined the scenarios below where things looked hopeful.(each number is a different person)

  1. Needed a date for a school formal, one of my friends girlfriends found me someone, we saw each other only six time in six months then i got the "lets be friends" she wasn't the touchy type, didn't want to cuddle or anything.
  2. Talked for awhile then organised a date but at the last minute she said I wouldn't like her and cancelled the date
  3. Went on a date but then not another(can't remember why/what happend)
  4. Added this girl on FB and we chatted for ages and arranged a date, we got along well had a really long date and then noticed she deleted her profile on dating site and she said this relationship isn't going to work out because she is still in love with here ex.
  5. Same as above but kept asking when she wanted to go on a date(seemed to avoid the question) but she then said to me "I'm a nice guy [blah blah] but she hasn't been single in ages and needs some time away from relationships/dating.
  6. We got along well but she didn't always respond to messages, last time I got a response was when I asked when she was free so I could call her and she said she will be once she is back in town. She said she was back so I asked if she was free tonight then later said I will call her the next day, found out she unfriended me on facboook so I asked what I did wrong via FB messenger(I could she she read it) and still no reply.

I'm not a person who like to go out clubbing or drinking and my friends are poor so they usually can't go out either. So I tried online dating, most time it never went anywhere, usually run out of topics to talk about.

Going to try again but then I don't know what to do. I am 24, usually most people are in relationships but then.
Deemed to be single?

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