Diaper Art website?

vendredi 7 août 2015

I've been thinking about this for a sec. As of right now we do not have a official diapered artwork website.

Issues with Current sites: (I might have missed one)
1: diapered anime - Not as popular no more and outdated gallery

2: Deviantart - Our art gets taken down by mods, and not centered around diapers and diaper haters

3: Furaffinty - Interface needs more features and not centered around diapers and diaper haters

4:Cusheypen - Subscription and as far as I know not easy to upload content too unless you join the artist submission stuff

Do you think I should make a diapered art website?

Issues with Making website:
1: Hard to get population unless artist are joining
2: Need to find a cheap good database that has large enough memory(I actually might have one for less than 100 bucks a month)
Diaper Art website?

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