Diaper stigma(every body wears them)but none will admit it

samedi 15 août 2015

I find it funny, i'm sure lots of people work in retail. But I'm very surprised how many people do wear diapers, or pullup but try to hide it. With kids the'll fill the cart or run over to make it quick. But adults, walk around with there's in there cart like it no big thing(i'm sure every trip there heart is pounding). If they only new how many people come in and buy undergarments they would not feel so ashamed of it. I try to be extra nice! If kids need a confidence boost! some cry. some don't.With so many people now, we must re-evaluate. more people less bathrooms! more traffic! more weighting! diapers should be though of like plastic bags, you see them every where & you use one when ever you need it.

Largest demographic at our location(men and woman 40-65).and baby's of course. So if your out there! Lot's of people do(lots)though they pretend like they don't.
Diaper stigma(every body wears them)but none will admit it

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