First Post!

lundi 10 août 2015

Hi everyone! I found this site while searching for a definition of what sexually excites me. I'm fascinated by the varied interests "out there", and I've wondered constantly, "Am I alone"? It appears not! Though I can't expect everyone on this site (or others) to share my extreme fondness for nylon track pants (Yep, that's what I'm into. Pretty simple), I am nonetheless forever searching for others who share my interest. At this point in my journey, I think I have a nylon encasement fetish.

A bit more about me:
I'm getting middle-aged, live in the midwest, and I am a technology enthusiast (Read: giant nerd and respect for intellectuals). Born and raised in a place many people say they'd rather leave, I am content. As a youth, I began a love affair with computers, role-playing games, fantasy fiction, and (you guessed it) girls wearing track pants. WHAT GOD DID I PLEASE!? :D
Moving on, I am one of those late bloomers. I am doing well in college math; progressing toward a Computer Science degree. Never too late to learn!
First Post!

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