How do you define yourself/build your identity/ego?

vendredi 21 août 2015

So, I realise this isn't exactly a perfect psychology forum, but I dont have anywhere else to ask this question.

I recently realised I've spent a lot of my adult life trying to not let anything define me. I've avoided fads, I dont get haircuts that are "stylish", I dont wear fashionable clothes. I don't identity as part of any sub culture. Ive always been cynical about advertising and corporate manipulation of my own will, both in general and as an employee. I dont have a smartphone and have generally been a technophobe. I dont belong to any groups I could potentially be defined by. I don't buy merchandise and I dont wear labels.

All of that sounds incredibly pretentious I know, it hasnt been a conscious decision, its just something I got in my head sometime in Highschool. Im now 26 and a uni student, and Im finding that I dont really know what makes me me. I mean, I have a few loose philosophical convictions, but Im starting to wonder if maybe its ok to give in to some of this stuff. To, yknow, buy a mug with my favourite tv show on it.

Basically, I want to know, how do you guys define who you are? Do you think its ok or healthy to identify with certain media? Do you affiliate yourself with brands or groups/organisations? Do you find those associations mean people stereotype you? I dunno what Im asking really, this is just me expressing something I need to but dont have anyone in RL to listen.
How do you define yourself/build your identity/ego?

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