If you could get rid of your AB/DL, would you?

mardi 11 août 2015

If you had the chance to get rid of your AB/DL desires and in return, have plain, normal sexual desires, would you take it? You wouldn't miss this part of yourself, or even remember it. It would just never have existed. So would you do it or not and why?

I'm leaning towards yes because this has undoubtedly made my life more difficult. For as long as I can remember diapers have been my only sexual desire and my only sexual outlet. I've never really been attracted to girls or anyone for that matter and sex has never really been appealing to me, which is a serious problem because I really want to have a family some day. This is also an issue for me as diapers aren't an actual partner, so although they may be satisfying, they don't give you the sense of emotional closeness and companionship that a significant other would. So yeah, if it means I could have normal attraction to girls, I'd have no problem getting rid of this side of myself.
If you could get rid of your AB/DL, would you?

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