Let's talk about age regression!

vendredi 7 août 2015

So, recently, I've been enjoying doing a little random story-writing just for a little fun, and for those who enjoy reading stories and things related to AR, or especially if you write stories yourself, what makes for a perfect regression? I feel like magic spells or potions are a total "easy way out" and things like that can ruin a story for me, even if I was enjoying it. Of course, I know that there's no scientific way that de-aging a person could happen, but I hate that once you see AR fics with magic, fountain of youth, or regressing drugs, that these methods will be all you will see past that point. Have you ever read a story that had a completely unique and plausible regression method, or an AR story that you think completely tops all others?

And while we're at it, what should the actual process of regression be like? I've always wondered about how in some stories the mental regression happens first, before physical regression, and how other stories do it the opposite way. Which is best? And how much time should it take to happen, should it happen with a person slowly getting younger and younger? Or should it simply happen where you're one second, an adult, and *POOF* suddenly you're a baby?
Let's talk about age regression!

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