My parents found out about my diaper fetish/love

dimanche 23 août 2015

It had to happen some time... and it happened not long ago this month. My dad didn't care at all but my mom...... oh dear. Her first words were and I quote, "Do I need to call 911?" like.. what? Call 911? What for? To waste their time? I just hope diapers, furries, and men wearing panties, one day doesn't become a mental health case if the parents find out. Even my therapist asked if it was a kin/fetish... I said yeah but I didn't tell him about it. He found out through my mother. Now it may seem my mother is an overractive bad mom, but trust me I love her even though she, my aunt, and people, have put me through a lot lately. I am not a victim of anything but half truths and deception of others. I do not care what happens to me and maybe that is my issue. I take care of my physical body with showers, good food, vitamins, water, etc, but mentally I just let things hurt me which isn't good. I'm working on it because I want to take better care of my mental health as a normal teenager coming to adulthood (I'm 19, last year as a teen D:) and I am feeling old. Now, before someone ignorantly says, "19?? That is not old! I'm 60!" or whatever they might say, I just FEEL old and it is not something I want to feel, yet I do because I want to try to be mature more frequently and to keep my cool. Random question, what is the best diaper for someone who doesn't mess but does wet?
My parents found out about my diaper fetish/love

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