Should I? Shouldn't I?

dimanche 9 août 2015

Right, so i have these 2 friends and i am hella close to them, they trust me unconditionally.

For example, they were having an affair for a while before she left her ex and is now with my friend, i am the only person that knows, i have known for two years. They tell me everything, and i do them to (well to an extent), they know i have a deep secret that i haven't told them and have never pushed me to tell them. But i feel like i am being dishonest, sort of cheating the friendship.

Only one other person knows about my little side, but these two friends also know that i am bi-curious and that is my second deepest secret lol.

I know no one will say just tell them, but i just need an outsiders view on this?

Should I? Shouldn't I?

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