Way to fast weight loss?

jeudi 13 août 2015

I really don't know where to post this, but since this is something I am worried about it might be the right place to write about this.

So about a month ago I started working at a old job of mine, in a warehouse for spare parts for trucks and buses. Nothing special just classical physical labor. But I do live quite far away from the place so I only had like 15 minutes every morning to get up get ready and go, causing me to skip breakfast every day.
The moment I got off the train I needed to run to the bus to my work, never having time to stop by a store to grab some sandwiches or anything just straight to work.
Now at work every day was the same. Come in, straight to work, literaly no times for breaks (except for a quick coffe in the early hours) meaning I never had any lunch.
By the time I was done it was late enough to expect that something will be waiting for me at home (and it did) so that was usualy the first thing I ever ate every day. Now some days I was just so tired I just took a shower and went straight to bed, while other times I would stay up until 10 or 11 and going to sleep without bothering to get any food before bed at all.

Now this is how my days have been for 2 weeks, and I started noticing that I was sweating a lot more than usual and got tired way faster. And as stupid as I am, I tried fixing that with energy drinks, and it did help me for my last two days of work and then I crashed. I did nothing but sleep for 12 hours every night for the next 3 or 4 days.

And now a few days ago my sister came to visit me and noticed how I look like and told me to get my shit together. And that is my problem now.
I lost about 8 kg in a bit over 2 weeks and even now when I'm trying to start eating regularly again I've lost about 2 kg extra.
I just cant get myself to eat as much as I used to, and i tried eating smaller meals but more often but I just don't feel hungry. And now its starting to worry me because if this keeps up, I literaly have no idea where or when is it going to stop.

Now I know that eating disorders can be caused by stress and similar things, and yes there kinda is a real shitstorm in my life right now if I'm honest but is it possible that's the reason for it?
And does anyone know if there is maybe some foods that I should eat so I don't feel so full so soon or anything.

Oh and at the start of July I weighed about 89 kg, and now I'm on 80-79
Way to fast weight loss?

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